Las Vegas Review-Journal

Women’s work is never finished

- Maureen Dowd Maureen Dowd is a columnist for The New York Times.

It’s nice to see that the Democrats are back on track. It only took an upheaval turning women into second-class citizens, the possibilit­y that the Orange Menace could be reelected, and an outof-control Supreme Court. With all that, the Dems seem to be pulling even. There’s still a better than even chance that they could lose the House. If they’re lucky, they’ll hold onto the Senate; and for that they would have to thank the Republican­s for putting forward horrible candidates.

President Joe Biden’s ratings have gone up, from very bad to not good, with the base cheering on Dark Brandon. But the really positive news is that most Democratic Senate candidates are more popular than he is.

The Democrats have managed to come alive in the last few weeks, actually passing stuff in Congress. After watching the country drown and burn, Joe Manchin freaked out that he would be single-handedly blamed for climate change and made a deal with Chuck Schumer.

But the Democrats are still barely keeping their heads above water.

They just can’t match the Republican crazy. Unfortunat­ely, a considerab­le chunk of this country is acting insane, believing that Democrats are all pedophiles who are drinking babies’ blood.

Democrats have to stop fighting a convention­al war. It’s just not a convention­al time.

Ironic that Friday was Women’s Equality Day, designated so by Congress in the ’70s. At a time when women all over the world should be blossoming, we’re seeing stunning setbacks. There’s a bizarre trend of punishing women, Saudi-style, for their sexuality.

Sanna Marin, Finland’s 36-year-old prime minister, is under fire for dancing with her friends in a country that always gets named “the happiest country in the world” in the United Nations-sponsored World Happiness Report. What a grim, still-sexist world this is, when Marin is forced to tearfully apologize — and take a drug test — after video leaked of her letting loose.

The Helsinki Times tut-tutted that she was the “Prom Minister” and dismissed the music she was dancing to as “plebeian.” But Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand, defended her Finnish counterpar­t, asking, “How do we constantly make sure that we attract people to politics, rather than — perhaps as has been historical­ly the case — put them off ?”

Rahm Emanuel, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, tweeted about the double standard: The Australian prime minister, Anthony Albanese, was cheered for chugging beers at a public concert while Marin was under fire for dancing at a private party. “Everyone just back off!” Emanuel wrote.

“She’s getting hit for being immature,” Emanuel said. “But she’s mature enough to lead Finland into NATO. That’s a hard day’s work. I’d need a little party, too!”

Joe Biden seemed to see how abnormal things were when, at a rally in suburban Washington the other night, he got bold enough to denounce the MAGA gang for a philosophy that is “almost like semifascis­m.”

Religious zealot and Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett was a “handmaid” in a Christian group called “People of Praise,” in which men are decision-makers over their wives. Now, Barrett is making decisions for all the women in the country, and it’s an outrage.

Many women are angry and many are registerin­g to vote. Trump seems nervous, but he has wiggled out of a lot of jams. Democrats can’t rely on his spontaneou­s combustion. Just as women boosted Biden into the White House, now women have to rescue us again, from a bunch of crazy conservati­ves determinin­g our health care — and how we live our lives. And maybe soon, whether we can be Dancing Queens.

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