Las Vegas Review-Journal

The teachers unions run from competitio­n

- JOHN STOSSEL John Stossel posts a new video about the battle between government and freedom every Tuesday on Johnstosse­

FINALLY! Now more states will let parents use their tax money to educate their kids at a school they choose. In Arizona, families can get $6,500 to spend on private school, tutoring or home-schooling.

The education establishm­ent is horrified — especially teachers unions. They don’t want competitio­n.

But competitio­n makes us better. The Model T was a breakthrou­gh. But it’s lousy compared to what we have today. That’s because carmakers compete to make better cars.

But American education has barely changed since the days of Henry Ford. Kids still sit in a room, watching a teacher. For my video this week, I debate a union leader. He’s David Walrod, president of the Fairfax, Virginia, chapter of the American Federation of Teachers.

The AFT has been controlled by union boss Randi Weingarten for 14 years. I once provoked her by saying, “Unionized monopolies like yours fail!” She replied: “We are not a unionized monopoly! Folks who want to say this … don’t really care about kids.”

Weingarten won’t talk to me anymore, so I’m glad Walrod would. “What’s wrong with giving parents a choice?” I asked. Competitio­n makes us try harder.

“If I compete directly against you, I have a vested interest in doing better than you,” he said. Isn’t that good? “Not in education,” he replied. Choice would “duplicate bureaucrac­y.”

But his schools are drowning in bureaucrac­y. They spend $16,505 per student! That’s more than $300,000 per classroom. $300,000 would fund several good teachers, but the bureaucrac­y prevents that money from going to actual teaching.

“Any ideas you have for lowering bureaucrac­y — you’re not gonna hear any disagreeme­nt from the teachers union,” Walrod said. But his union supports the complex rules that protect every teacher’s job. “Teachers that aren’t up to snuff should be let go,” Walrod said. But the school’s human resources handbook makes that nearly impossible. Fairfax schools spent more than $70,000 on lawyers trying to fire a teacher they considered incompeten­t. They failed.

Another reason some parents want to escape government-run schools is because during the pandemic, many stayed closed while private schools reopened.

“There are definitely valid arguments to say that some districts played it too cautious,” Walrod admitted,

“but we were dealing with an ongoing health crisis.” I push back. “Seems like you were eager to embrace the CDC’S message … so you didn’t have to go to work!”

“Online teaching was harder than in-person teaching,” Walrod responded. Really. Attitudes like that are a reason 5,000 students left Fairfax public schools during the pandemic.

Another reason: hardleft indoctrina­tion. Choice would allow families to “take their children to institutio­ns that best align with their values,” education researcher Corey Deangelis said.

After school choice was allowed in Washington, D.C., both charter and public schools improved. That’s a win for kids and taxpayers.

“Government-run schools spend over $30,000 per year (per student) in D.C. The voucher’s only about a third of that,” Deangelis said. There aren’t many reforms that bring results like that. “For a long time … the only special-interest group was the teachers unions,” Deangelis said. “Now there’s a new special-interest group in town: parents.”

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