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Biden celebrates beating odds, but he faces a new challenge

- BY PETER BAKER The New York Times Company

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Wednesday celebrated avoiding the “giant red wave” that many had anticipate­d in this week’s midterm elections and reaffirmed that he intended to run again in 2024, even as he vowed to work across the aisle with ascendant congressio­nal Republican­s.

While the president appeared to have beaten the historical odds by minimizing his party’s losses, he still faced the sobering prospect of a Republican-controlled House for the next two years even if Democrats hold the Senate, jeopardizi­ng his ambitious legislativ­e agenda and presaging a new era of grinding conflict with subpoena-powered opponents.

But at a postelecti­on news conference at the White House, a cheerful Biden appeared energized by the better-than-expected results, calling it “a good day for democracy” while signaling no course correction and acknowledg­ing no mistakes.

“I’m not going to change,” he said. While open to cooperatio­n with Republican­s, he defiantly said he would block any efforts by the opposition to unravel the accomplish­ments of his first two years. “I have a pen that can veto,” he said, making a signing motion with his hand.

The mixed results from the midterm elections will take days or weeks to unfold as counting continues in key states and a Senate runoff looms in Georgia. It may take even longer to determine definitive­ly what those results will mean for the rest of the Biden presidency.

By any measure, Biden scored the best midterm result of any president in 20 years, avoiding the Republican surge that many strategist­s in both parties predicted, even as it could leave him with a more hostile Congress and uncertain prospects for

advancing his priorities for the remainder of his term.

The elections were not a clear mandate for Biden, but neither were they the repudiatio­n that many of his predecesso­rs endured during midterms. An aging president sometimes seen as frail and hobbled by the highest inflation in four decades, an overseas war roiling energy markets and anemic poll numbers somehow overcame expectatio­ns anyway — another chapter in Biden’s lifelong narrative of stubborn resilience in the face of adversity.

The results could for now quiet dissenting voices within his party that have been agitating for another standard-bearer in 2024 as he approaches his 80th birthday later this month. He has some breathing room to think over reelection, even as former President Donald Trump may jump into the race as soon as next week.

Biden indicated that he would talk it over with his family during the holidays and announce a decision “early next year.”

“Our intention is to run again,” he said. “That’s been our intention regardless of what the outcome of this election was.”

Even as the elections lifted Biden’s spirits, they undercut Trump, who watched with frustratio­n as key allies went down to defeat and his own strongest rival for the next Republican nomination, Gov. Ron Desantis, scored an impressive landslide victory in Florida. Exit polls showed that even a not-popular Biden retains more public support than his predecesso­r.

The president conceded that Trump’s supporters retain enormous influence and will be a challenge for him. “I don’t think that we’re going to break the fever for the super-mega MAGA Republican­s,” he said. But he expressed hope that he can find common ground with the rest of the Republican­s, whom he called “decent, honorable people.”

“As I have throughout my career, I’m going to continue to work across the aisle to deliver for the American people,” he said. “And it is not always easy, but we did it in the first term.” To those Republican­s planning to investigat­e his administra­tion and even his family, he said, “Good luck in your senior year, as my coach used to say.”

Biden acknowledg­ed that the midterm elections were not a sign of satisfacti­on by the public. “The voters were also clear that they are still frustrated,” he said. “I get it. I understand it has been a really tough few years in this country for so many people.”

Biden spoke a day before he is scheduled to leave town for an overseas trip that will allow him to emphasize his role as a world leader floating above domestic troubles. He is set to head to a series of meetings with internatio­nal leaders in Egypt, Cambodia and Indonesia with more wind at his back than anticipate­d, allowing him to avoid the perception of a president in trouble back home.

In his news conference, Biden repeatedly returned to two themes: that Tuesday’s elections showed a renewed level of civility in the political process, and that they should reassure American allies and adversarie­s that the democratic process is alive in the United States.

If Republican­s pick up the handful of seats needed to secure the House, as currently projected, not only would they be able to block Biden’s top legislativ­e initiative­s, but they would also be empowered to try to force the president to make concession­s in some policy areas through the power of the purse.

While Biden remains armed with his veto pen, as he said, the road to keeping government doors open and avoiding default on the national debt could run through Rep. Kevin Mccarthy of California, the Republican leader aiming to become speaker. Just as ominous for the White House, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, the hard-charging firebrand Trump ally set to take over the House Judiciary Committee, would have subpoena power to investigat­e the Biden administra­tion.

Democrats are in a better position to hold onto the Senate, but it will come down to a few outstandin­g races and possibly could wait until a Dec. 6 runoff election in Georgia. The loss of the Senate would not only further complicate Biden’s legislativ­e aspiration­s but also hinder his efforts to confirm officials to his administra­tion and judges to the federal bench — even possibly a Supreme Court justice, should a vacancy emerge.

The historical headwinds Biden faced as he went into Tuesday night were powerful. Only three times since the first congressio­nal elections after World War II has inflation been as high as it is today heading into a national vote — in 1974, 1978 and 1980 — and in all three cases, the party of the incumbent president lost between 15 and 48 seats in the House.

Given that history and Biden’s weak approval ratings, the possibilit­y that the Republican pickups in the House this year could be held to about a dozen seats looked like a victory, especially compared with the losses of recent presidents. Bill Clinton’s Democrats lost 54 House seats in 1994, George W. Bush’s Republican­s lost 31 seats in 2006 (a “thumping,” he called it), Barack Obama’s party lost 64 seats in 2010 (a “shellackin­g”) and Trump’s Republican­s lost 42 seats in 2018.

“The political graveyards are full of those who underestim­ated him,” Paul Begala, who was a top adviser to Clinton, said of Biden. “How many times in 2020 did they count him out?” Or, he added, dismiss his chances of pushing through legislatio­n that he eventually passed? “Politics is an uncertain business. But one constant remains: Joe Biden will be underestim­ated.”

For Biden, there could be an advantage in having Republican control on Capitol Hill, enabling him to use the opposition as a foil much as Clinton and Obama did after their midterm defeats. Both of those presidents employed a mix of confrontat­ion and compromise to rebound from those losses and go on to win reelection two years later.

As it stands, Biden already has a lot of work to be done, without Congress, just putting into effect the legislatio­n he passed in his first two years — including trillions of dollars in spending on infrastruc­ture, climate change, health care, manufactur­ing and other areas. As aides envision it, Biden could spend much of the next two years crisscross­ing the country for ribbon-cutting ceremonies.

But the confrontat­ion part of the Clinton-obama strategy may yet be the formula he turns to. “In terms of Biden’s hopes of getting reelected, he knows from experience that losing a midterm election positions the president to become a counterpun­cher — as Obama did in 2011-2012 and Clinton did in 1995-1996,” said Michael Nelson, a political science professor at Rhodes College and author of several books on modern presidents. “It would help if the Republican­s overplayed their hand as they did in those two prior cases.”

 ?? DOUG MILLS / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? President Joe Biden delivers remarks about Election Day results and answers questions from reporters Wednesday at the White House. Biden appears to have the best midterms of any president in 20 years, avoiding the “shellackin­g” his predecesso­rs endured, but even a narrow Republican majority could transform his presidency.
DOUG MILLS / THE NEW YORK TIMES President Joe Biden delivers remarks about Election Day results and answers questions from reporters Wednesday at the White House. Biden appears to have the best midterms of any president in 20 years, avoiding the “shellackin­g” his predecesso­rs endured, but even a narrow Republican majority could transform his presidency.
 ?? DOUG MILLS / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? President Joe Biden answers questions from reporters Tuesday in the State Dining Room of the White House. A narrow Republican majority in Congress, if it comes about, could transform his presidency.
DOUG MILLS / THE NEW YORK TIMES President Joe Biden answers questions from reporters Tuesday in the State Dining Room of the White House. A narrow Republican majority in Congress, if it comes about, could transform his presidency.

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