Las Vegas Review-Journal

Driving jams up cross-atlantic romance

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069

DEAR ABBY: I met my boyfriend online last year. He lives in the U.K.; I’m in the U.S. I love him dearly and we talk about moving in together within the next year. The original plan was for him to emigrate, since I am closer to my family and have an establishe­d job. However, I’m a bit worried because he doesn’t drive.

I recently asked him why he doesn’t, and he said he’s worried he will relapse. He was addicted to drugs when he was young but has been clean for years. I’m proud of who he is now, but I’m worried about having to drive both of us when we live together because my city doesn’t have the best public transporta­tion. Is there a way to bring up trying to drive in the U.S. without putting him in a bad spot? Or is there no way around this? — Only Driver in the Midwest


Has this person been to the U.S. to visit you before? If he hasn’t, and doesn’t have a job that would prevent it, why not invite him to stay for three or four weeks? That way you could decide if providing all of his transporta­tion would be workable and not too stressful in the long term for you.

Frankly, I don’t see the connection between his former drug habit and his concern about driving an automobile. The two of you need to get to know each other a lot better before either of you decides to uproot your lives and relocate. If your relationsh­ip continues to grow, it might make more sense for you to move to the U.K.

DEAR ABBY: I have been married to my current husband for 14 not-good years. He was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and cardiomyop­athy seven years ago and hasn’t had a job since then. We have a daughter who will be 7 soon. I feel he could solve these problems by taking his medication and dieting. However, he insists his medical conditions keep him from working.

He doesn’t take care of our daughter and doesn’t do anything around the house. I take care of ALL the bills. I’ve been the provider for too damn long. Please help. — Tired in California

DEAR TIRED: Nowhere in your letter did you mention whether there is any love left between you. Does your husband’s DOCTOR agree that his medical conditions prevent him from working? If the answer is yes, you will then have to decide whether you can live up to your vow regarding “in sickness and in health.” If the answer is no, make an appointmen­t with a family law attorney and inquire about your options and what your responsibi­lities to him may be should you decide to separate or divorce.

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