Las Vegas Review-Journal

Friend pressured to travel for visit

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: We moved from Indiana to Florida 30 years ago. Ten years later, I moved back for a job, but returned to Florida after 9/11. I recently received a letter from a friend telling me that I hadn’t visited Indiana in 14 years.

This friend, who has been in a relationsh­ip for 40 years, visited us once in Florida 28 years ago. He surprised us by coordinati­ng a liaison during that visit with an old boyfriend — who slept over. It was very awkward. This friend hasn’t visited us here again, but did travel to Miami. We drove eight hours round-trip to see him and his partner. He considered this “visiting us.”

I know from others that he and his partner have come down to Florida often over the past 30 years without calling or seeing us. I was also close to his sisters when we lived in Indiana, but only one visited us — 26 years ago. Another sister has a condo an hour south of us and has never contacted us despite visiting her condo at least once a year.

The sisters don’t communicat­e with me. Why must I be the traveler? Why can’t they call when they visit the area? He guilted me in his last letter. — One-sided in Florida

DEAR ONE-SIDED: You and this person are pen pals, nothing more. If you enjoy the correspond­ence, ignore the attempt at a guilt trip if that’s what the comment was intended to be. You and his sisters are acquaintan­ces, not friends. Their lack of communicat­ion with you should have sent that message. I cannot understand why you should chase after them.

DEAR ABBY: I have been married for three years to an incredible man. It’s the third marriage for both of us. I have an older daughter, and he has two older children — a son and a daughter. Last year, they both welcomed their own children.

I’m not sure where I fit in when it comes to being a grandparen­t. I say, “By default, I am a grandma.” My friends said instead of calling me “Grandma,” the grandkids could call me something else to differenti­ate between their biological grandmas and me. I recently signed a birthday card for one of the grandkids and wasn’t sure if I should sign just my name.

In my heart, I feel they are my grandkids, but I don’t think my husband’s kids view me that way. AM I a grandma? — Status Unknown in California

DEAR STATUS UNKNOWN: You are as much a grandma as you would like to be, and to the extent the children’s parents will allow it. Many families agree on the names the grandparen­ts are called, and I see no reason why yours should be an exception.

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