Las Vegas Review-Journal

Reality intrudes in California

State rethinks plan to close nuke plant

- The views expressed above are those of the Las Vegas Review-journal. All other opinions expressed on the Opinion and Commentary pages are those of the individual artist or author indicated.

If you want more tangible evidence of how unrealisti­c the green push for renewable energy is, look at California. This month, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission gave the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant a lifeline. The facility, located in San Luis Obispo, was scheduled to shut down in 2025. But regulators now say it may remain open while it pursues the ability to operate for another 20 years.

This is a significan­t change and more evidence that the progressiv­e agenda on renewable energy isn’t yet remotely tenable if the nation hopes to keep the lights on.

In 2016, PG&E, which operates the plant, announced that it would close and be replaced with solar and wind power. Environmen­tal groups had long sought to shutter the facility. In 2018, the company withdrew a renewal applicatio­n before federal regulators.

But last year, the California Legislatur­e passed a bill that reversed the California Public Utilities Commission’s decision to approve the license terminatio­n. That set the table for the NRC’S recent decision.

Even if the federal government grants approval for another 20 years of operations, it’s unclear whether that will happen. State lawmakers say the plant must close by 2030, as California moves to require that all power come from renewable and zero-carbon sources by 2045. Why nuclear power, which is carbon-free, isn’t acceptable to some environmen­talists is a separate discussion.

Gov. Gavin Newsom was closely involved in this flip-flop. He visited the power plant shortly before the NRC’S decision. He signed last year’s bill seeking to extend the plant’s operations. He even told the Los Angeles Times editorial board that he had been considerin­g keeping the nuclear power plant online since 2020. That’s when California had rolling blackouts. Hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses lost power.

The transition to renewable energy was directly responsibl­e for that outage. A heat wave caused people to turn up the air conditioni­ng, but power production declined after the sun set. Officials avoided a similar outage last year only by texting people and begging them to use less power.

Imagine those situations had occurred without the reliabilit­y of nuclear power. The Diablo Canyon plant provides around 10 percent of California’s electricit­y. That energy is crucial when the sun goes down. Without nuclear or a reliable replacemen­t, such as natural gas plants, California­ns would face the possibilit­y of blackouts on a regular basis.

California isn’t the only state reliant on nuclear energy. It provides around 19 percent of the country’s power. Wind and solar account for 12 percent.

All this should give voters pause when considerin­g wind and solar power mandates. When they’re needed most, such sources are often unreliable. With its efforts to keep the Diablo plant operationa­l, California admits as much.

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