Las Vegas Review-Journal

Desantis would set nation back 100 years

- Anthony Dixon Anthony Dixon is a public historian, archivist, lecturer and author with a career focus on the African Diaspora. He wrote this for the Atlanta Journal-constituti­on.

Black history is American history. There is no way to undo the connection. No policy, law or proclamati­on can change that fact. The 2022 anti-woke law enacted by Florida Gov. Ron Desantis asserts itself into the teaching of Black history and appears to be part of a concerted effort to minimize the accomplish­ments of Blacks while presenting history in a manner that sanitizes many aspects of America’s sordid racial past.

Desantis states Black history is already being taught in public schools. As a former member of Florida’s Commission­er of Education’s African American History Task Force, I can assure you this is a misleading statement.

A Florida statute passed in 1994 requires the inclusion of the history, culture, experience­s and contributi­ons of African Americans in the K-12 curriculum. However, like all laws, it is only as good as it is enforced. To this day, only 11 of 67 Florida counties follow the curriculum benchmarks set by the task force while the task force itself now has eight vacancies that have yet to be appointed by Desantis.

Colleges offer African American history courses but there is a difference there as well. In Florida and throughout the country, predominan­tly white institutio­ns may offer African American history but only as an elective, whereas historical­ly Black colleges and universiti­es not only encourage their students to take it, some campuses make it mandatory.

What the governor should state is that he supports the generaliza­tion of Black history within the larger topics of American history. He has expanded this concept to a national level by challengin­g the AP African American studies curriculum to eliminate cross-cultural analysis. Cross-cultural analysis opens the door for understand­ing and empathy … not sympathy, but empathy. Generaliza­tion lacks the ability to provide a more cultural understand­ing of the Black experience. A more cultural understand­ing would ultimately lead to a more culturally diverse community that would become more inclusive. This inclusivit­y is what Desantis ultimately opposes.

Desantis has chosen education as a tool to set this country back 100 years. The last week of February, the New College of Florida’s Board of Trustees (which includes handpicked conservati­ves by Desantis) voted 9-3 to totally eliminate the office that handles Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. House Bill 999 was introduced the same week by a conservati­ve representa­tive that, if passed, will dictate university curriculum and ban funding for diversity initiative­s within academia. Conservati­ves throughout the country will likely follow suit in this attempt to minimize or totally eliminate cultural diversity initiative­s.

Curriculum changes at the K-12 level have already been tried by conservati­ves in states like Texas who wanted to change the word slavery to involuntar­y relocation in their textbooks. Make no mistake about it, there is a widespread attack against cultural diversity and inclusion. This is not just a Florida problem.

Desantis’ efforts may take the same turn as the No Child Left Behind Act, which was underfunde­d with no provisions put in place for practical adherence to the policy. Critics charged the law was actually eroding the quality of education by forcing schools to “teach to the test” or to lower standards of proficienc­y while neglecting other parts of the curriculum such as history, social science and art.

In 2044, the U.S. census predicts, more than half of the nation’s population will be people of color. Teaching an accurate account of Black history to students everywhere could help prepare a child for citizenshi­p in a multicultu­ral democracy. Generalizi­ng and sanitizing history will ultimately leave more than one child behind, but also could leave a whole nation ill prepared for the challenges facing a changing cultural society.

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