Las Vegas Review-Journal

Why a second Trump term may be more radical than his first

- By Charlie Savage, Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman

In the spring of 1989, the Chinese Communist Party used tanks and troops to crush a pro-democracy protest in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Most of the West, across traditiona­l partisan lines, was aghast at the crackdown that killed at least hundreds of student activists. But one prominent American was impressed.

“When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it,” Donald Trump said in an interview with Playboy magazine the year after the massacre. “Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak.”

It was a throwaway line in a wide-ranging interview, delivered to a journalist profiling a 43-year-old celebrity businessma­n who was not then a player in national politics or world affairs. But in light of what Trump has gone on to become, his exaltation of the ruthless crushing of democratic protesters is steeped in foreshadow­ing.

Trump’s violent and authoritar­ian rhetoric on the 2024 campaign trail has attracted growing alarm and comparison­s to historical fascist dictators and contempora­ry populist strongmen. In recent weeks, he has dehumanize­d his adversarie­s as “vermin” who must be “rooted out,” declared that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” encouraged the shooting of shoplifter­s and suggested that the former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, deserved to be executed for treason.

As he runs for president again facing four criminal prosecutio­ns, Trump may seem more angry, desperate and dangerous to American-style democracy than in his first term. But the throughlin­e that emerges is far more long-running: He has glorified political violence and spoken admiringly of autocrats for decades.

What would be different in a second Trump administra­tion is not so much his character as his surroundin­gs. Forces that somewhat contained his autocratic tendencies in his first term — staff members who saw their job as sometimes restrainin­g him, a few congressio­nal Republican­s episodical­ly willing to criticize or oppose him, a partisan balance on the Supreme Court that occasional­ly ruled against him

— would all be weaker.

As a result, Trump’s and his advisers’ more extreme policy plans and ideas for a second term would have a greater prospect of becoming reality.

A radical agenda

To be sure, some of what Trump and his allies are planning is in line with what any standard-issue Republican president would most likely do. For example, Trump would likely roll back many of President Joe Biden’s policies to curb carbon emissions and hasten the transition to electric cars.

Other parts of Trump’s agenda, however, are aberration­al. No U.S. president before him had toyed with withdrawin­g from NATO. He has said he would fundamenta­lly reevaluate “NATO’S purpose and NATO’S mission” in a second term.

He has said he would order the military to attack drug cartels in Mexico, which would violate internatio­nal law unless its government consented. It most likely would not.

He would also use the military on domestic soil. While it is generally illegal to use troops for domestic law enforcemen­t, the Insurrecti­on Act allows exceptions.

Trump’s plans to purge immigrants living in the country illegally include sweeping raids, huge detention camps, deportatio­ns on the scale of millions per year, stopping asylum, trying to end birthright citizenshi­p for babies born on U.S. soil to parents living in the country illegally and invoking the Insurrecti­on Act near the southern border to also use troops as immigratio­n agents.

Trump would seek to expand presidenti­al power in myriad ways — concentrat­ing greater authority over the executive branch in the White House, ending the independen­ce of agencies Congress set up to operate outside of presidenti­al control and reducing civil service protection­s to make it easier to fire and replace tens of thousands of government workers.

More than anything else, Trump’s vow to use the Justice Department to wreak vengeance against his adversarie­s is a naked challenge to democratic values. Building on how he tried to get prosecutor­s to go after his enemies while in office, it would end the post-watergate norm of investigat­ive independen­ce from White House political control.

Asked for comment, a spokespers­on for Trump did not address specifics but instead criticized The New York Times while calling Trump “strong on crime.”

Weakened guardrails

Even running in 2016, Trump flouted democratic norms.

He falsely portrayed his loss in the Iowa caucuses as fraud and suggested he would treat the results of the general election as legitimate only if he won. He threatened to imprison Hillary Rodham Clinton, smeared Mexican immigrants as rapists and promised to bar Muslims from entering the United States. He offered to pay the legal bills of any supporters who beat up protesters at his rallies and stoked hatred against reporters covering his events.

In office, Trump refused to divest from his businesses, and people courting his favor booked expensive blocks of rooms in his hotels. Despite an anti-nepotism law, he gave White House jobs to his daughter and son-in-law. He used emergency power to spend more on a border wall than Congress authorized.

But some of the most potentiall­y serious of his violations of norms fell short of fruition.

Trump pressured the Justice Department to prosecute his adversarie­s. The Justice Department opened several criminal investigat­ions, from the scrutiny of former Secretary of State John Kerry and of former FBI Director James Comey to the attempt by a special counsel, John Durham, to find a basis to charge Obamaera national security officials or Clinton with crimes connected to the origins of the Russia investigat­ion. But to Trump’s fury, prosecutor­s decided against bringing such charges.

And neither effort for which he was impeached succeeded. Trump tried to coerce Ukraine into opening a criminal investigat­ion into Biden by withholdin­g military aid, but it did not cooperate. Trump sought to subvert his 2020 election loss and stoked the Capitol riot, but Vice President Mike Pence and congressio­nal majorities rejected his attempt to stay in power.

There is reason to believe various obstacles and bulwarks that limited Trump in his first term would be absent in a second one.

Some of what Trump tried to do was thwarted by incompeten­ce and dysfunctio­n among his initial team. But over four years, those who stayed with him learned to wield power more effectivel­y. After courts blocked his first, haphazardl­y crafted travel ban, for example, his team developed a version that the Supreme Court allowed to take effect.

Four years of his appointmen­ts created an entrenched Republican supermajor­ity on the Supreme Court that most likely would now side with him on some cases that he lost, such as the 5-4 decision in June 2020 that blocked him from ending a program that shields from deportatio­n certain people living in the country illegally who had been brought as children and grew up as Americans.

Personnel is policy

Perhaps the most important check on Trump’s presidency was internal administra­tion resistance to some of his more extreme demands. A parade of his own former high-level appointees has since warned that he is unfit to be president, including a former White House chief of staff, John Kelly; former defense secretarie­s Jim Mattis and Mark Esper; former national security adviser John Bolton; former Attorney General William Barr; and others.

Trump in turn has denounced them all as weak, stupid and disloyal. He has privately told those close to him that his biggest mistakes concerned the people he appointed, in particular his choices for attorney general. The advisers who have stuck with him are determined that if he wins a new term, there will be no officials who intentiona­lly stymie his agenda.

In addition to developing policy papers, the coalition of think tanks run by people aligned with Trump has been compiling a database of thousands of vetted potential recruits to hand to a transition team if he wins the election. Similar efforts are under way by former senior Trump administra­tion officials to prepare to stock the government with lawyers likely to find ways to bless radical White House ideas rather

 ?? ?? Donald Trump
Donald Trump

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