Las Vegas Review-Journal

Voters deserve to see justice


A recording has surfaced of former President Donald Trump trying to bully Wayne County, Mich., election officials not to count the votes of that county.

The recording is remarkably like Trump’s call to Georgia officials. In this recording, Trump reportedly tells officials there were more votes reported for that county than there are voters. He provides no statistics on which he could claim this bogus argument.

Does the call warrant Michigan officials indicting Trump as Georgia officials did? Probably, but the last thing this country needs is another criminal trial of Trump.

Instead, we need expedited criminal litigation we have before us. Give voters the right to hear the evidence against Trump in the Georgia, Washington,

D.C., and Florida proceeding­s.

Supreme Court justices’ responsibi­lity is to assure due process. Let’s have a little due process for voters.

If Trump supporters believe these criminal cases are baseless and simply politicall­y motivated, let’s hear this argument presented in a court of law.

All citizens have the right to hear and defend charges of criminalit­y in a courtroom before a jury of their peers. Trump does, so let’s do it.

If Americans then want to vote for a man found guilty of attempting the overthrow of our election system, they are free to. But let’s make clear that that is what they are doing.

In the military, I gave my oath to defend this country and the Constituti­on. I won’t go back on that oath, simply because some people want me to.

Richard Strickland, Las Vegas

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