Las Vegas Review-Journal

Single parent ready to evict mom, dad

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: I’m a single parent raising five young kids alone. I own my home, have a good job and have done well financiall­y. Five years ago, after several years of making bad financial decisions, my parents showed up on my doorstep. Their house had been foreclosed on.

Living with them has triggered issues from my childhood, most of which they contribute­d to but take no responsibi­lity for. They do pay a little to me in rent, help with housework and sometimes watch my children. But past issues are still evident, and I don’t want that example around my kids.

I have made clear that they have overstayed their welcome, but they take no steps to get on their feet. I have tried having meetings with them and my siblings. These end in shouting matches, and nothing changes. I know if I evict them, it will likely sever the relationsh­ip. Is that my only option? — Disgruntle­d Daughter


You were kind to take your parents in, but you are being taken advantage of. This is a problem you should discuss with an attorney, because after having camped out in your home for the length of time your parents have, it may indeed take a formal eviction to get them out.

Do not expect to be thanked for the help you have given them all this time. Do what you must for yourself and your children.

DEAR ABBY: This morning, I found my husband has been chatting on his phone with a much younger woman. Since then, I have been wondering if I should ask him about it. He just retired, but I’m still working, and my job is in the afternoon and evening. He’s an extrovert who loves being around people. Should I be worried he’s cheating on me?

We’ve been married 30 years and have a grown child together. Our sex life isn’t good. For many years, we worked opposite shifts, so we didn’t go to bed and get up at the same time. Now we do, but he’s alone during the afternoon and evening. Can you help? — Suspicious in New Mexico

DEAR SUSPICIOUS: Because you know her age, I’m guessing you already know quite a bit about this much younger woman. If you ask your husband about this, you will have to disclose that you looked at his phone. Spouses don’t usually do that unless they are suspicious something might be going on.

If you think what he’s been doing could be a threat to your marriage, you are going to have to come clean and tell him you feel threatened. Better to confront than to ignore and hope a problem will go away by itself.

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