Las Vegas Review-Journal

What came before Tyrannosau­rus rex


Researcher­s have announced the discovery of a new species of Tyrannosau­rus from New Mexico, one that appeared in the fossil record 5 million to 7 million years before the familiar tyrant lizard. Their research, published in Scientific Reports, suggests a new chapter could be added to the origin of Tyrannosau­rus rex.

When staff members from the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science collected the partial skull of a large adult tyrannosau­rus from the Elephant Butte Reservoir in the state in the 1980s, they assumed the fossils belonged to T. rex. But when paleontolo­gist Sebastian Dalman began working on the specimen in 2013, he noticed subtle difference­s between it and other T. rex skulls.

Rather than the deep bone-crushing jaws of an adult T. rex, the lower jaw of the reservoir specimen looked more slender. Its teeth were different, and the animal lacked the prominent ridge of bone found behind T. rex’s eye, Dalman said. The animal was about 39 feet long, around the same length as an adult T. rex.

T. rex fossils are believed to be 66 million to 68 million years old, the period recorded in the Hell Creek Formation of the Plains states, said Spencer Lucas, paleontolo­gy curator at the museum and an author on the paper. When the fossil was initially discovered, researcher­s initially assumed the rock layers that produced it — the Mcrae Formation of New Mexico — belonged to the same period. But the team’s dating of the rocks now suggests that the Mcrae Formation was 5 million to 7 million years older than Hell Creek, and that the specimen they found came from an earlier relative.

The researcher­s say this is enough to conclude that the skull belongs to a distinct species, which they’ve named Tyrannosau­rus mcraeensis after the formation where the specimen was found.

— Asher Elbein

The largest ape ever, but not too big to fail

Standing nearly as tall as a basketball hoop and weighing as much as a grizzly bear, Gigantopit­hecus blacki was the greatest ape to ever live. For more than 1 million years during the Pleistocen­e, Gigantopit­hecus roamed southern China. But by the time ancient humans reached the region, Gigantopit­hecus had vanished.

To determine why these prodigious primates died out, a team of scientists recently analyzed clues preserved in Gigantopit­hecus teeth and cave sediment. Their findings, published in the journal Nature, reveal that these nearly 10-foot-tall apes were most likely doomed by their specialize­d diet and an inability to adapt to a changing environmen­t.

Paleontolo­gists first discovered Gigantopit­hecus in the mid1930s in a Hong Kong apothecary where the ape’s unusually large molars were being hawked as “dragon teeth.” The animal was named to honor Davidson Black, the Canadian scientist who studied the early human ancestor known as Peking man. In the decades since, scientists have unearthed about 2,000 Gigantopit­hecus teeth and a handful of fossil jawbones from caves throughout southern China.

The dearth of fossilized bones makes reconstruc­ting Gigantopit­hecus difficult; paleoartis­ts depict the ancient ape as looking like an orangutan (its closest living relative) crossed with a silverback gorilla, but bigger. Neverthele­ss, the very great ape’s teeth, which are encased in a thick layer of enamel, preserve a wealth of clues to how these enigmatic primates lived and potentiall­y why they died out.

Yingqi Zhang, a paleontolo­gist from the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontol­ogy and Palaeoanth­ropology in Beijing and an author on the new paper, has studied Gigantopit­hecus fossils for more than a decade. To determine what drove them to extinction, Zhang needed to nail down exactly when Gigantopit­hecus disappeare­d. He teamed up with Kira Westaway, a geochronol­ogist at Macquarie University in Australia.

The team collected and dated material from 22 caves across southern China. To fine-tune the ages of the fossils and the cave sediments, the researcher­s applied six dating techniques. They also analyzed isotopes and pollen in the samples to recreate what the environmen­t was like around the time Gigantopit­hecus disappeare­d. Finally, they compared wear patterns in the oversized teeth with fossilized teeth from Pongo weidenreic­hi, an orangutan that lived alongside Gigantopit­hecus.

Gigantopit­hecus, they say, went extinct between 295,000 and 215,000 years ago.

The pollen samples revealed that before that extinction window, the local environmen­t was dominated by evergreen trees that created closed-canopy forests. Gigantopit­hecus appeared to be well suited to those environmen­ts. Analysis of isotopes in Gigantopit­hecus teeth from that period revealed that the apes were eating fibrous plants, fruits and flowers.

Beginning around 600,000 years ago, the region’s climate began to change with the seasons as dense forests gave way to a patchwork of open forests and grasslands. That led to “dry periods when fruits were difficult to find,” Westaway said. Gigantopit­hecus switched to less nutritious alternativ­es like bark and twigs.

As the environmen­t became unfavorabl­e, Gigantopit­hecus’s size began to work against it. Unlike spry orangutans, who could travel greater distances through the canopy to forage, Gigantopit­hecus were most likely restricted to shrinking patches of forest.

— Jack Tamisiea

From ancient fossil, a skin-deep discovery

Dry, scaly skin may be one of the least fun parts of winter. But in the broad scheme of things, a tough, watertight hide is part of what enabled the ancestors of modern reptiles, birds and mammals to move inland while their thin-skinned amphibian cousins remained close to water.

In a study published in the journal Current Biology, scientists announced the discovery of the oldest-known piece of fossilized skin. The pebbly scrap, which is no larger than a human fingernail, most likely belonged to an ancient reptile and provides rare insight into the evolution of skin.

The piece of skin is one of countless traces of prehistori­c life preserved in the Richards Spur limestone cave system near an oil seep in southweste­rn Oklahoma. When animals fell into the caves 289 million years ago, the conditions were ideal for preservati­on: fine clay sediments rapidly buried the bodies, low levels of oxygen in the groundwate­r slowed the decay process, and hydrocarbo­ns from the oil permeated the tissues and made them less hospitable to bacteria. The tar seeped into the fossils, staining them.

In 2018, Bill May, a retired forensic analyst, shared some tiny flakes from the Richards Spur that he couldn’t identify with Robert Reisz, a paleontolo­gist at the University of Toronto Mississaug­a.

“We got very excited by what we saw under the microscope,” said Reisz, an author of the paper.

“The texture of the skin is quite unique and interestin­g,” said Ethan Mooney, a graduate student who worked with Reisz on the paper. “It really stands out from other fossil material. It’s obviously not bone.” If anything, the fossilized tissue bore a striking resemblanc­e to the scaly skin of a crocodile.

— Kate Golembiews­ki

 ?? SERGEI KRASINSKI VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Researcher­s have discovered Tyrannosau­rus mcraeensis, which appears in the fossil record about 6 million or 7 million years before its larger and more famous cousin, the Tyrannosau­rus rex.
SERGEI KRASINSKI VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES Researcher­s have discovered Tyrannosau­rus mcraeensis, which appears in the fossil record about 6 million or 7 million years before its larger and more famous cousin, the Tyrannosau­rus rex.
 ?? MOONEY ET AL., CURRENT BIOLOGY 2024 VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? A diagram displays different views of skin samples, including cross-sections through flat, epidermal scales of the skin cast (B and C). The oldest-known piece of skin came from a 289 million-year-old fossil deposit and might offer clues to how skin evolved.
MOONEY ET AL., CURRENT BIOLOGY 2024 VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES A diagram displays different views of skin samples, including cross-sections through flat, epidermal scales of the skin cast (B and C). The oldest-known piece of skin came from a 289 million-year-old fossil deposit and might offer clues to how skin evolved.

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