Las Vegas Review-Journal

Public wants climate action


Mark Gongloff’s Jan. 31 column “Election might turn on

... climate change?” was interestin­g, stating that support for the climate fight runs deeper in this country than many people — especially Republican leaders — might think. This opinion is supported by a long-range program from the Yale University School of the Environmen­t, which since 2008 has conducted the Yale Program for Climate Change Communicat­ion, consisting of annual interviews with a cross-section Americans on climate issues.

Its 2023 report shows that an estimated 72% of adults think global warming is happening. Those who believe it is caused mostly by human activity is

58%, followed by 63% believing it affects the weather, 70% that it harms plants, animals and future generation­s, 58% that it already harms people here, and 67% that it harms people in developing countries. These numbers show steady increases over the years.

Further, the report shows that most registered voters, including many Republican­s, support climate-friendly energy policies and favor clean energy developmen­t to grow the economy and create jobs.

Perhaps this is falling on deaf ears in Congress, as elected leaders are too busy with infighting and pursuing futile impeachmen­ts to concern themselves with what the public supports. They are ignoring the strong call to action for robust bipartisan climate legislatio­n. Perhaps when the costs of human lives, property damage, ecosystem destructio­n and more become impossible to ignore, these so-called leaders will be compelled to act, when unfortunat­ely it may be too little, too late.

Rita Ransom, Las Vegas

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