Las Vegas Review-Journal

Snowstorm brings mixed messages

- JUDITH MARTIN MISS MANNERS Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: A major snowstorm was due to arrive. My friend called me and offered for me to come over to her house if I had a power failure, saying she had an extra bedroom and a generator, so her home would be warm. I thanked her.

The next day, she called to remind me of her generous offer, and added I should bring my little dog. I thanked her profusely for the offer.

Well, the next day the blizzard started, the phone rang, and it was her husband, who never has called me. He said hello, and then: “I know you were invited, but do not drive in a blizzard” (which I wouldn’t, anyway). He continued, “If your power goes off, just cuddle with your dog until it comes back on. Don’t leave the house to come here.”

I felt terrible. He called back in a second and said, “It’s not that we don’t want you here; we just want you safe.”

GENTLE READER: Your friend doesn’t need a generator. Her house must be warm enough just from exchanges with her husband.

Whether or not this exchange was preceded by the husband’s saying, “It would be crazy for her to drive in this blizzard — it’s too dangerous,” Miss Manners cannot say. She would prefer to think so, and advises you to do the same.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am a referee. I used to only call friendly games, but recently began refereeing profession­ally, as well.

General etiquette demands that I am thanked at the end of games for refereeing. How do I properly respond to the thanks? After all, I am getting paid to be there and enjoy my job, so I don’t think a “You’re welcome” is appropriat­e.

GENTLE READER: We thank lots of people for doing their jobs, and rightly so. But if you do not like the convention­al “You are welcome,” Miss Manners suggests, “I appreciate your saying that.”

She has heard of a lot less gracious treatment of referees.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Why do we still use Miss, Mrs. and Ms.? What’s the point, really?

Who cares if someone is married or not? I don’t want to give an extra thought to whether they’re married or single when I’m writing or speaking their name. Why can’t we pivot to a universal title like men have?

GENTLE READER: Guess what? Miss/mrs./ms. Manners (who keeps ‘em guessing) is happy to tell you that we do have a female courtesy title that is unrelated to marital status: Ms.

Do not believe anyone who deprecates it as a 20th-century invention. Why do people keep resisting it?

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