Las Vegas Review-Journal

Yacht club members acting like snobs

- MISS MANNERS Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband’s old boss and his wife invited us to join a local yacht club. Ever since we joined, the wife has been bubbling with snippy comments about my grooming and hairstyle, alluding to where I may have purchased my clothing, and making numerous misguided class-oriented statements.

She seems to have brought me into the club as a target, like a clay pigeon. In their eyes, we were good enough to be nominated and sponsored, but now that we’re in, I’m considered an “improvemen­t project” by these elders.

I have tried to generously assume the difference­s are generation­al (80s vs. 50s) or cultural (I’m not alcoholic, but the sponsors are markedly so).

She’s made the club a lot less fun by biting my ankles. I see no end to my sponsor’s backhanded comments, though, and no longer find the scene so charming.

Is there a way to trim my sponsor’s snippy commentary without reminding her that alcohol makes her a poor host?

GENTLE READER: Let’s also avoid telling her that alcoholism is a “cultural difference.”

The problem is actually not one of culture or generation — you have a problem of rank. The husband was your husband’s boss, and they were your sponsors at the club.

Miss Manners does not believe that the wife’s rudeness cancels out past kindnesses, but you are now equals — as members and adults. You should not feel obliged to spend time with them if it is a burden.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My son is getting married next year to a lovely person with whom I have a good relationsh­ip. They are currently perusing venues, although they are unsure how many guests they will invite.

Would it be poor manners to send them a possible guest list for my son’s side, with tiers of importance so they can see what they’re in for?

My husband says they should just invite whom they feel closest to, but I see a problem with that.

My heart tells me it is their wedding and they can do what they want. I’m not sure I can deal with the fallout of hurt feelings for the next 20 years if they decide to be choosy.

GENTLE READER: To whom did your husband offer his advice?

If it was meant for your son, then we disagree on what constitute­s good parental advice. Your son should be warned, if he does not already know, that you will not be the only one who has to listen to 20 years of hurt feelings if he distribute­s invitation­s capricious­ly.

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