Las Vegas Review-Journal

Latino voters, coveted by both parties, are a target for election misinforma­tion

The types of misinforma­tion overlap with falsehoods readily found in other conservati­ve media and many corners of the internet — conspiracy theories about mail voting, dead people casting ballots, rigged voting machines and threats at polling sites.

- By Christine Fernando and Anita Snow

PHOENIX — As ranchera music filled the Phoenix recording studio at Radio Campesina, a station personalit­y spoke in Spanish into the microphone.

“Friends of Campesina, in these elections, truth and unity are more important than ever,” said morning show host Tony Arias. “Don’t let yourself be trapped by disinforma­tion.”

The audio was recorded as a promo for Radio Campesina’s new campaign aiming to empower Latino voters ahead of the 2024 elections. That effort includes discussing election-related misinforma­tion narratives and fact-checking conspiracy theories on air.

“We are at the front lines of fighting misinforma­tion in our communitie­s,” said María Barquín, program director of Chavez Radio Group, the nonprofit that runs Radio Campesina, a network of Spanish-language stations in Arizona, California and Nevada. “There’s a lot at stake in 2024 for our communitie­s. And so we need to amp up these efforts now more than ever.”

Latinos have grown at the second-fastest rate, behind Asian Americans, of any major racial and ethnic group in the U.S. since the last presidenti­al election, according to a Pew Research Center analysis, and are projected to account for 14.7%, or 36.2 million, of all eligible voters in November, a new high. They are a growing share of the electorate in several presidenti­al and congressio­nal battlegrou­nd states, including Arizona, California and Nevada, and are being heavily courted by Republican­s and Democrats.

Democratic President Joe Biden has credited Latino voters as a key reason he defeated Republican Donald Trump in 2020 and is urging them to help him do it again in November. Given the high stakes of a presidenti­al election year, experts expect a surge of misinforma­tion, especially through audio and video, targeting Spanish-speaking voters.

“Latinos have immense voting power and can make a decisive difference in elections, yet they are an under-messaged, under-prioritize­d audience,” said Arturo Vargas, CEO of NALEO Educationa­l Fund, a national nonprofit encouragin­g Latino civic participat­ion. “Our vote has an impact. These bad actors know this, and one way to influence the Latino vote is to misinform.”

In addition to radio, much of the news and informatio­n Latinos consume is audio-based through podcasts or on social media platforms such as Facebook, Whatsapp and Youtube. Content moderation efforts in Spanish are limited on these platforms, which are seeing a rising number of right-wing influencer­s peddling election falsehoods and Qanon conspiracy theories.

The types of misinforma­tion overlap with falsehoods readily found in other conservati­ve media and many corners of the internet — conspiracy theories about mail voting, dead people casting ballots, rigged voting machines and threats at polling sites.

Other narratives are more closely tailored to Latino communitie­s, including false informatio­n about immigratio­n, inflation and abortion rights, often exploiting the traumas and fears of specific communitie­s. For example, Spanish speakers who have immigrated from countries with recent histories of authoritar­ianism, socialism, high inflation and election fraud may be more vulnerable to misinforma­tion about those topics.

Misinforma­tion on the airwaves also is particular­ly difficult to track and combat compared with more traditiona­l, text-based misinforma­tion, said Daiquiri Ryan Mercado, strategic legal adviser and policy counsel for the National Hispanic Media Coalition, which runs the Spanish Language Disinforma­tion Coalition. While misinforma­tion researcher­s can more easily code programs to categorize and track text-based misinforma­tion, audio often requires manual listening. Radio stations that air only in certain areas at certain times also can be difficult to track.

“When we have such limited representa­tion, Spanish speakers feel like they can connect to these people, and they become trusted messengers,” Mercado said. “But some people may take advantage of that trust.”

Mercado and others said that’s why trusted messengers, such as Radio Campesina, are so important. The station was founded by Mexican American labor and civil rights leader César Chavez and has built a loyal listening base over decades. At any given moment, as many as 750,000 people are listening to the Chavez Radio Network on the air and online, Barquín said.

“They will come and listen to us because of the music, but our main focus is to empower and educate through informatio­n,” she said. “The music is just a tactic to bring them in.”

Radio Campesina’s on-air talent and musical guests often discuss misinforma­tion on air, answering listeners’ questions about voting, teaching them about spotting misinforma­tion and doing tutorials on election processes such as how to submit mail-in ballots. The station also has hosted rodeos and music events to register new voters and talk about misinforma­tion.

They allow listeners to call or text questions on Whatsapp, a social media platform especially popular with immigrant communitie­s but where much of the misinforma­tion they see festers. In March, the station partnered with Mi Familia Vota, a Latino advocacy group, for an on-air show and voter phone bank event to answer voter questions.

“We know that there are many people who are unmotivate­d because sometimes we come from countries where, when it comes to elections, we don’t trust the vote,” said Carolina Rodriguez-greer, Arizona director of Mi Familia Vota, before she shared informatio­n on the show about how voters can track their ballots.

The organizati­on began working with Spanish media outlets to dispel misinforma­tion after seeing candidates such as former Arizona gubernator­ial candidate Kari Lake spread election lies in 2022, Rodriguez-greer said. Lake is now running for the U.S. Senate with Trump’s endorsemen­t.

“One way to combat this misinforma­tion is to fill the airways with good informatio­n,” said Angelica Razo, national deputy director of campaigns and programs for Mi Familia Vota.

In Tempe, Brian Garcia tunes into Radio Campesina on drives to work. When he was growing up, the station played as his dad cooked dinner and his family gathered around the table. It was a staple for his family, he said, and he’s excited about its efforts to tackle election misinforma­tion.

“There aren’t many organizati­ons or folks that go onto Spanish-language media to combat misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion,” he said. “And I think serving as a resource and a trusted source within the Latino community that has already built those relationsh­ips, that trust will go a long way.”

A variety of other community and media groups also are prioritizi­ng the seemingly never-ending fight against misinforma­tion.

Maritza Félix often factchecke­d misinforma­tion for her mother, whom she calls the “Queen of Whatsapp.” This led to Félix doing the same for family and friends in a Whatsapp group that grew into the Spanish news nonprofit Conecta Arizona.

It now runs a radio show and newsletter that debunk false claims about election processes, health, immigratio­n and border politics. Conecta Arizona also combats misinforma­tion about the upcoming Mexican presidenti­al election that Félix said has been seeping over the border.

Jeronimo Cortina, associate professor of political science at the University of Houston, tracks broad misinforma­tion narratives aimed at Spanish-speaking communitie­s across the country but also localized content targeting the state’s rapidly growing Latino electorate. That includes misinforma­tion about candidates’ clean energy policies taking away jobs in Texas’ oil and gas industries, and about migrants flooding over the border.

“You won’t see the same content targeting Latinos in Texas compared to Latinos in Iowa,” he said.

This has led to a wider universe of groups tackling misinforma­tion aimed at Latinos. NALEO Educationa­l Fund’s Defiende La Verdad campaign monitors misinforma­tion and trains community leaders to spot it. In Florida, the We Are Más podcast combats Spanish-language misinforma­tion nationally and locally, said its founder Evelyn Pérez-verdía. Jolt Action, a Texas Latino advocacy group, registers new voters and helps them make sense of misinforma­tion.

Factcheque­ado, a Spanish-language fact-checking group, is building partnershi­ps with dozens of media outlets across the country to provide training and free Spanish fact-checking content.

“Disinforma­tion is at the same time a global phenomenon and a hyperlocal phenomenon,” said Factcheque­ado co-founder Laura Zommer. “So we have to address it with local and national groups uniting together.”

 ?? SERKAN GURBUZ / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Staff members Michael Ruiz, left, and Marisol Moraga participat­e in a phone bank event March 20 at La Campesina, a Spanish-language radio network, in Phoenix. A surge of misinforma­tion is targeting Spanishspe­aking voters with a high-stakes presidenti­al election looming in the fall and candidates vying for support from the rapidly growing number of Latino voters. In one of the most important swing states, Arizona, La Campesina is countering that with a dedicated effort to provide Latino voters the facts about voting and how elections are run.
SERKAN GURBUZ / ASSOCIATED PRESS Staff members Michael Ruiz, left, and Marisol Moraga participat­e in a phone bank event March 20 at La Campesina, a Spanish-language radio network, in Phoenix. A surge of misinforma­tion is targeting Spanishspe­aking voters with a high-stakes presidenti­al election looming in the fall and candidates vying for support from the rapidly growing number of Latino voters. In one of the most important swing states, Arizona, La Campesina is countering that with a dedicated effort to provide Latino voters the facts about voting and how elections are run.
 ?? SERKAN GURBUZ / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? The exterior of the building housing La Campesina’s studios are seen March 21 in Phoenix. La Campesina, a Spanish-language radio network ,was founded by farm labor organizer Cesar Chavez in the 1980s.
SERKAN GURBUZ / ASSOCIATED PRESS The exterior of the building housing La Campesina’s studios are seen March 21 in Phoenix. La Campesina, a Spanish-language radio network ,was founded by farm labor organizer Cesar Chavez in the 1980s.
 ?? JOHN LOCHER / ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE (2018) ?? Maria Nieto, right, and Alma Romo, second from left, register people to vote in Las Vegas in 2018. Latinos are a growing share of the electorate in several presidenti­al and congressio­nal battlegrou­nd states, including Arizona, California and Nevada, and are being heavily courted by Republican­s and Democrats.
JOHN LOCHER / ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE (2018) Maria Nieto, right, and Alma Romo, second from left, register people to vote in Las Vegas in 2018. Latinos are a growing share of the electorate in several presidenti­al and congressio­nal battlegrou­nd states, including Arizona, California and Nevada, and are being heavily courted by Republican­s and Democrats.

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