Life & Style Weekly

Worries in the Palace


“Kate looks undernouri­shed,” a source frets of the expectant mom. “Her morning sickness has left her feeling wiped out and weak, and she’s had to cancel some appointmen­ts at the last minute.”

gray hairs during recent photo ops, choosing not to dye her locks as she did during her previous pregnancie­s. “Her mom, Carole, has always encouraged Kate to have three children because she had three herself and thought it was the perfect number for a family,” says a friend who lives near the royals’ country estate

in Norfolk, England. “And since William and Kate already have a boy and a girl, they don’t mind what gender the baby is, as long as it’s healthy.”

Just in case, they already have names on tap for both sexes. The baby is set to arrive in 2017, which will mark both the 20th anniversar­y of Princess Diana’s

death and the 70th wedding anniversar­y of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. “If it’s a girl, it could be Elizabeth or Diana,” says the friend. “And William adores his grandpa, so if it’s a boy, Philip has got to be a top contender.”

No matter how regal the child’s name, heir to the throne George, 3, will con- tinue to rule the roost. “He looks after Charlotte,” notes an official who was present on the family’s re- cent eight- day Canadian tour. “George and Charlotte love each other madly, and they will certainly love having a little sister or brother.”


The family’s nanny may not love the extra responsibi­lity, though. Maria Borrallo already has her hands full with the “boisterous and active” pair, says the official, so a second nanny will likely need to be hired to take pressure off Kate. “Despite having one nanny already, Kate is a very hands-on mom and likes to spend as much time as possible with her children,” says the friend. “She is juggling all sorts of things in her life at the moment and it’s taking its toll.”

Indeed, observers noticed Kate looking stressed and tired during her Canadian trip, which aimed to strengthen that country’s bond with England. “William was very aware of her condition and did his best to protect her,” says an insider. “It was noticeable how much attention he paid her.”

On Oct. 11, she again had to travel as an official ambassador for the palace, at the queen’s behest. But this time, pregnant Kate was by herself as she made her first solo trip as a roy- al overseas to the Netherland­s, her startlingl­y thin frame on display in a blue Catherine Walker suit. It’s a demanding schedule for someone who’s expecting. But back home in England, there’s a plan to nurse the duchess back to health. Her mother, 61, “has virtually moved in with Kate and William to look after Kate when she’s there and make sure she eats properly and starts to be a lot healthier in general,” says the friend. “Kate is really in a lot of discomfort at the moment and everyone’s very worried for her.”


Kate has been advised to make her health her top priority, says a Middleton family friend, and to consider taking time off from never- ending royal duties to relax at her and William’s country estate, Anmer Hall. Wherever she goes, her real-life Prince Charming will be by his pregnant wife’s side. Says future king William, “I take my duties and my responsibi­lities to my family very seriously.”

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