Life & Style Weekly

Selena Gomez re-emerges, saying she’s on the mend SELENA’S TO RECOV



Selena Gomez fans couldn’t help but worry in August when the singer abruptly canceled her world tour and dropped out of sight. So Jessica Chambers was thrilled on Oct. 9 when she spotted her idol, 24, enjoying grits and toast with her grandparen­ts at the low-key Riv-

erstone Family Restaurant in nearby Townsend, Tenn. “She looked really happy and was laughing,” says Jessica, who worked up the nerve to approach the star after lunch. “Selena was kind and humble and gave me a really big hug.” And when Jessica’s pal asked Selena about her health? The star gushed, “I’m doing really good!”

It’s not wishful thinking. Since entering rehab at the women- only Brookhaven Retreat in nearby Seymour, “Selena has been making incredible progress” in overcoming her mental health and partying issues, a source confirms. “Selena’s been banned from drinking alcohol and is eating healthier. They took her phone away and she’s been learning coping strategies to deal with destructiv­e behaviors.”


Selena’s been working hard, but there’s more to come. Before entering treatment, she would constantly check what people were saying about her online and obsess over Instagram posts by ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber, 22. In treatment, she’s learned to view that habit as “pain shopping,” the source says. (Two weeks before she entered rehab, she weighed in on one of Justin’s posts, which led to a nasty public war of words between them.) Though social media clearly had been feeding her anxiety, Selena still cried when Brookhaven took her phone away, says the source. “Part of her treatment has been staying out of the spotlight and learning to focus on herself,” the source notes. Selena is now allowed some access to her cell, but an insider says she’s still trying to stay centered by “exercising, meditating and reading a lot.”


Brookhaven also helps residents rejuvenate with gardening, hiking trails and campfires, and off- campus passes are granted to spend time with family. But maintainin­g healthy habits won’t be easy once Selena’s

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