Life & Style Weekly

Bachelor nick’s regret: I MADE A MISTAKE

Nick Viall got engaged filming The Bachelor finale, but now he’s having second thoughts about his final pick


Nick Viall is a sucker for love, as he’s proved time and again on the Bachelor franchise. So during the last days of filming in Finland, it was no surprise he wound up falling for all three of his final women — and, as Life & Style previously reported, saying the L-word to at least two of them. He wanted to hedge his bets, notes a Bachelor insider, because “it’s his biggest fear that he will be single forever.”

But he’s still hedging. In the end, Nick picked a winner, popped the question and wound up with a fiancée. Now, three months after the finale taped in November, he’s panicking that he made a mistake

and chose the wrong woman, Life & Style has exclusivel­y learned. “Nick and the winner have been arguing recently, and Nick has been questionin­g his decision,” the insider reveals. “He feels an attraction to each of the final three and wonders if he gave the final rose to the wrong girl.” Nick, 36, was conflicted all season, pleading with producers for guidance. “They helped him with every eliminatio­n decision, and now he feels he was rushed into choosing his future bride,” adds the insider. “Nick says he has more chemistry with the other two women.”

Nick and his fiancée have seen each other just five times since The Bachelor finale taped, and those secret visits have been anything but pleasant. “They’ve been fighting over where to live,” says the insider. Convinced his acting career will take off, the former software salesman from Wisconsin is insisting they make their home in LA. But the winner is so far refusing to move.


Even if Nick persuades her to relocate, he still has to convince himself to stop thinking about his other options. “Nick feels conflicted about the winner,” says the insider, “because he can’t get the other girls out of his mind.” That could lead to fireworks on

the live After the Final Rose show, if Nick breaks up with the winner and proposes to someone else. (It has happened before: Bachelor Jason Mesnick famously dumped Melissa Rycroft in 2009 in favor of Molly Malaney, now his wife of almost seven years.) Nick,

says the insider, “thinks he could get any of the runners-up to take him back.”

It would make Nick look bad, but that’s a risk he’s willing to take. “He wants to be in love,” Bachelor stylist Cary Fetman tells Life & Style. “He’s taking this seriously.”

 ??  ?? So Torn Haunted by the choice he made on the finale, Nick is considerin­g following his heart to another woman. “He’s a really sensitive guy,” show stylist Cary Fetman tells
Life & Style. “He’s kind of a hopeless romantic.”
So Torn Haunted by the choice he made on the finale, Nick is considerin­g following his heart to another woman. “He’s a really sensitive guy,” show stylist Cary Fetman tells Life & Style. “He’s kind of a hopeless romantic.”
 ??  ?? Hoping for a Second Chance Contestant­s (from left) Raven Gates, Corinne Olympios, Vanessa Grimaldi and Rachel Lindsay all fell for Nick. The runners- up “were definitely upset about being dumped,” says a source, “but if he really wanted to be with...
Hoping for a Second Chance Contestant­s (from left) Raven Gates, Corinne Olympios, Vanessa Grimaldi and Rachel Lindsay all fell for Nick. The runners- up “were definitely upset about being dumped,” says a source, “but if he really wanted to be with...

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