Life & Style Weekly


Heidi & Spencer Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt open up about how their big news has changed their marriage


Ever since Heidi Montag got pregnant, TV nights with her husband haven’t been quite the same. “She’s so emotional,” marvels Heidi’s husband and former co-star of The Hills, Spencer Pratt. “She cries at commercial­s. She even cried over The Bacheloret­te!”

Pregnancy can put a lot of stress on a couple. But in an exclusive interview with Life & Style, Heidi and Spencer reveal that in their case, it’s actually reinvigora­ted their eight-year marriage, bringing them closer than they’ve ever been. “This is a whole new level of closeness,” says Heidi, 30, whose baby boy is due in October. “I love our future together.” Spencer, 33, admits he used to worry about being a dad: “I feared I would get a lazy kid like I was,” he tells Life & Style, “and I wasn’t sure if I wanted a baby or not.” But any doubts and anxiety are long gone. “I feel more in love with Heidi than ever,” he says. “We are definitely closer now. I knew she would be excited, but not like this, like it’s her entire world. She’s glowing with excitement, like she won the lotto!”


Spencer feels like he won the jackpot, too. Former Hills co-star Whitney Port recently said sex during pregnancy was “so not for me,” but Heidi’s happily in the mood. “I feel way sexier than I thought I would feel,” she says. “Our sex life is great!” Spencer can’t get enough of her curves. “Her extra booty bump is sexy,” he raves. (Heidi, who admits craving cookies-andcream ice cream, says she’s put on roughly 25 pounds so far.) “Let’s just say we are the opposite of Whitney!”

As much as they’ve been, uh, enjoying themselves, they’re also

planning ahead. They’ve been shopping for supplies — the Nuna car seat and stroller and Snoo Smart Sleeper bassinet are on their must-have list — and planning a tropical babymoon. And they’re already divvying up parenting duties. “I will be more of the fun parent,” Spencer says. “Heidi will be the disciplina­rian.” She sure will be: “I will have a zero-tolerance rule — no tantrums, no bad behavior,” she declares. “If the baby screams in a restaurant, we will leave. I plan on being a very loving, strict mom.” And Spencer plans to be the overprotec­tive one. “I am a complete helicopter dad when it comes to our four dogs,” he admits. “So I’ll probably chip my kid! Oh, and I’m getting one of those leashes — not just for Disneyland. I won’t ever take it off.”

Heidi and Spencer are both thrilled to be having a boy (“a mini-me, but doper,” as Spencer puts it). And while Heidi says she’d like to have two or three kids, for now, she’s not thinking that far ahead. She’s not even focused on losing the baby weight. “I feel great,” Heidi says. “And I’m not going to rush to lose weight. I want to spend the first month concentrat­ing on the baby. What I most look forward to is just holding my son in my arms.”

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 ??  ?? He Loves Doting on Her Spencer can’t do enough for his pregnant wife. “My feet have been really sore, and he’s been rubbing them,” Heidi tells Life & Style. “He’s also been doing dishes and trying to clean, but we have different definition­s of cleaning the house!”
He Loves Doting on Her Spencer can’t do enough for his pregnant wife. “My feet have been really sore, and he’s been rubbing them,” Heidi tells Life & Style. “He’s also been doing dishes and trying to clean, but we have different definition­s of cleaning the house!”

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