Life & Style Weekly

The Twins Will Have Plenty of Playmates

Meghan and Harry are happily nesting at Kensington Palace, where Prince William, 35, Kate Middleton, 36, and their brood are neighbors! The parents-to-be have already seen how great George, 4, and Charlotte, 3, are with babies — both have embraced little


double baby joy. While the baggy fit drew criticism from some watching on TV (Katy Perry even commented that the bride could’ve used “one more fitting!”), a source says guests at the “I do”s of the century were chattering about Meghan’s growing tummy, not tailoring mistakes. “Since the dress was loose around her belly, people were speculatin­g that she found out she was pregnant a couple of days before the wedding and was hiding a

bump,” notes the source. “She also barely touched a drop of alcohol, when she normally loves drinking red wine. Why would she avoid it on her big day?”

That’s not the only thing Meghan’s avoided. “Harry had organized a dream honeymoon in Africa,” notes the source, “but malaria is so common there, and the risks for pregnant women are high.” So that trip has been canceled (reportedly in favor of a more low- key Canadian hon- eymoon). Meanwhile Meghan is busy adjusting to her new life at Kensington Palace and preparing for a growing family. “She is feeling more tired than usual,” notes the insider, “but her skin is glowing!”


A pregnant royal bride would go against all sorts of palace protocol. But Harry and Meghan have never worried about raising the eyebrows of Queen Elizabeth II, 92, or anyone else. “They don’t hold back when it comes to breaking tradition,” the insider says, noting that the couple even looked into fertility treatments before tying the knot. “Meghan knows how important it is to provide an heir and at 36 years old, she was worried it wouldn’t happen naturally.”

She’s still in her prime childbeari­ng years. But she never got pregnant with her first husband, Trevor Engelson, 41. “Meghan and Trevor were married

for two years but never had children,” says the insider. “They were often apart, so it was difficult to get the timing right, but it also crossed Meghan’s mind that there might be a bigger issue. She has told pals that one of her biggest fears is not being able to conceive, especially now that she’s part of the royal family.”

Her fears can officially be put to rest, according to Meghan’s inner circle. “Meghan confided in those close to her that she’ll do whatever it takes to have a baby,” says the insider, “knowing that twins are more likely to happen through fertility treatment.” Experts say she’s right: Treatments like in vitro fertilizat­ion and ovulation induction “increase the risk of multi-fetal pregnancy,” confirms obgyn Dr. Pari Ghodsi (who hasn’t treated Meghan). Even without treatment, Meghan’s odds of having twins are high. “There is an increased risk of twins or triplets in women over 35,” notes Dr. Ghodsi. “Hormones that stimulate ovaries to produce eggs increase as you get older because your ovaries are not responding as easily — which signals your brain to produce more. So there’s a higher risk for more than one egg to be released.”


Meghan’s more than ready: “She just can’t wait to be a mother,” says the insider. And Harry is beyond eager to be a dad. The redheaded royal spoke publicly in 2015, a year before meeting Meghan, about his desire for a family. Now they’re choosing godparents — Prince William and Kate Middleton are top contenders, along with Harry’s pal Guy Pelly and Meghan’s BFF, Jessica Mulroney — and happily dreaming up loads of baby names. “They’ve discussed Edward and Jack for a boy and Poppy and Olivia for girls,” reveals the insider. Harry’s also told pals they may name a daughter Diana as a tribute to his late mother. As for the queen, she already got a nod with William’s second- born, her greatgrand­daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. Whether or not she gets another middle-name honor, the monarch will “be thrilled” with new additions to the family, says the insider: “She’s been nagging Harry for months about how she can’t wait for him to extend the family. She loves being a grandmothe­r and great-grandmothe­r!”

She’ll no doubt be adding plenty of presents to a $ 20,000 nursery the source says Meghan is already filling with cuddly toys and cute clothes. “She and Harry are even more excited about having babies,” says the insider, “than they were about their wedding!”

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