Life & Style Weekly



You’ll have one less problem without him — that’s the advice Ariana Grande gave Andie Macdowell’s daughter Margaret Qualley, 24, after she began dating the pop star’s ex-fiancé, Pete Davidson. “Ariana felt it was her responsibi­lity, as a feminist, of course, to warn Margaret about what she was getting herself into,” says a source close to the “Break Up With

Your Girlfriend, I’m Bored” singer, 26, who called off her engagement to the comedian, 25, last October. “She got word to Margaret, through a mutual pal, that Pete’s an immature stoner who’d make fun of her on

SNL after she eventually dumped him, too.”

 ??  ?? Break free! “Ariana’s never met Pete’s girlfriend, but she thought she should pass along her two cents before it gets serious,” dishes the source.
Break free! “Ariana’s never met Pete’s girlfriend, but she thought she should pass along her two cents before it gets serious,” dishes the source.

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