Life & Style Weekly

JESSIE JAMES DECKER shares her spring break fitness plan.

Life& Stylegets Jessie James Decker’s vacation slimdown secrets


hether she’s wearing brand-new pair of blue jeans or a skimpy swimsuit, Jessie James Decker always manages to look sensationa­l — but it takes effort. “At 20, I could eat whatever I wanted and not work out,” the mother of Vivianne, 6, Eric, 4 and Forrest, 23 months, tells Life & Style. “Now at 32 and three kids later, I’ve had to adjust my lifestyle.”

Her winning food and fitness formula? The South Beach Diet ambassador combines the famous low- carb, protein- andvegetab­le-focused plan with plenty of circuit training. “I love to enjoy myself quite a bit on spring break vacation so right beforehand [I’ll] do South Beach for a couple of weeks,” says Jessie of getting streamline­d for upcoming warm-weather revelry. “I know there’s a big rule on whether or not you should weigh yourself, but I personally like to weigh myself so I can stick to the weight that makes me feel best. And I feel the best I’ve ever felt!”


At 5-foot-1, the country music star — who lost 25 pounds on the South Beach Diet following Forrest’s March 2018 birth — says she aims to stay between 114 and 118 pounds. “I will do 20 minutes on an elliptical or running on the treadmill and 10 minutes of weights,” Jessie explains of the exercise portion of her routine. “I can get in a great workout in in 30 minutes.” And if she doesn’t have 30 minutes to spare? “Chasing after my three little ones is a workout in itself,” says Jessie, “let me tell you.”

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