Life & Style Weekly

GEORGE and AMAL CLOONEY’S marriage hits a rough patch.


George and Amal Cloo-ney have found themselves in a Catch-22. The 59-year- old actor wants to move back to Hollywood, while the human rights attorney, 42, insists on staying put in England with their 2-yearold twins, Ella and Alexander. “George and Amal argue a lot, mostly about where to live and how to raise their family,” a source tells Life & Style. “He’s used to doing what he wants when he wants, which doesn’t go over well with Amal. She and George always said they’d put the kids in British schools and now he’s trying to change the plan.” The two-time Oscar winner has reportedly spent $1 million turning his Studio City bachelor pad into a familyfrie­ndly home, complete with a two-story playhouse built by President Barack Obama’s designer that’s said to have set him back five figures, in the hopes of winning over his wife. “Amal isn’t a fan of LA and finds many of the people fake, but George was actually making some headway,” admits the source, “up until the other day, when he brought up relocating to California like it was a done deal in front of their friends.” The British beauty “lost it. She exploded,” dishes the source. “Amal told George that he could go, but that she wasn’t moving and neither were the children.” With no compromise in sight, sources fear the couple could soon be having another discussion, only this time about divorce. “Everyone is praying they’ll pull through,” the source says. “George can’t imagine his life without Amal, but he may have to if they can’t find a way to make this work.”

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