Antelope Valley Press - AV Living (Antelope Valley)



liflower was gone.

There are a few considerat­ions when roasting veggies like these. The first goes to the oven. Each oven is vastly different and there are no be-all end-all instructio­ns for how one’s oven works. I know my (electric) oven needs to be cranked up much higher than my friend’s gas oven.

Cauliflowe­r and other vegetables should be turned at least once, through the roasting process so they do not burn on one side. Other special attention should be paid to the thickness of root-vegetable slices. They should be uniform. If they are not, one should expect to pull some of the pieces out before others.




1 head cauliflowe­r

Olive oil, enough to lightly coat

the florets




1. Preheat oven to 425 (range: 400-450) degrees Fahr

2. Stri leaves and of desired

3. Put olive oil o pepper on

4. Put ment pape

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