Lodi News-Sentinel

House wading into California’s water war

- By Andrew Taylor

WASHINGTON — Wading into a longstandi­ng California water war, the House Wednesday endorsed a Republican plan to shift more water to San Joaquin Valley farmers and cut the flow for threatened fish and growers in another part of the state.

Rep. Jerry McNerney, D-Calif., tried to strike that proposal from a spending bill, but lost a 247-169 vote that broke mostly along party lines. He says the plan would pump too much water to Central Valley growers at the expense of the inland Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

The vote was a victory for Rep. David Valadao, R-Calif., and other Republican­s, who represent communitie­s where the farm economy is badly suffering from a longstandi­ng drought.

Valadao argues that water from California’s relatively wet winter could be going to the farmers he represents rather than flowing to the Pacific. He said during debate Tuesday evening that he has shanty towns in his district because of high unemployme­nt in farm communitie­s.

“This is not in a Third World country. This is in the United States of America, this is right here in California, and this is something that’s happening in these communitie­s because of this water being wasted,” Valadao said.

On the other side were Democrats such as McNerney, who argued that Valadao’s measure would hurt Delta farmers and harm fish stocks that require fresh water to migrate to the ocean.

“One region benefits and another region suffers. That is what exactly is going to happen here,” McNerney said. “The Delta region will suffer. Is that what we really want?”

Battles between Republican­s controllin­g the House and California’s two Democratic senators have for years prevented Congress from acting on the state’s water issues.

“The fact is we have a broken water system,” said Rep. Jim Costa, D-Calif., among a handful of Democrats who voted for Valadao’s measure. He added that flawed federal environmen­tal policies have meant that billions of gallons of water that could have gone to irrigation were wasted.

Valadao’s bill has been attached to a spending bill funding the Energy Department and water projects. The Senate has passed companion legislatio­n that does not take on the water battle. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is a top negotiator on the underlying spending bill.

Republican­s also moved Wednesday to separately add Valadao’s legislatio­n to an unrelated energy policy measure, prompting a lengthy rerun of Tuesday night’s debate.

Rep. John Garamendi, DC-alif., said the GOP legislatio­n would “gut the environmen­tal protection­s of the delta and the San Francisco Bay, destroy the fisheries, destroy the economy of the delta and water for millions of people.”

“Farmland that once fed the world now sits dry. People are losing their livelihood­s and their hope,” said Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. “It doesn’t have to be as bad as it is. Now, water that could be stored is being lost. Bureaucrat­s release fresh water out to sea. Our most valuable resource is wasted.”

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