Lodi News-Sentinel

Reader: Local lake should be refilled, returned to its former glory


Editor: I recently visited the Woodbridge Irrigation District office to see about their records on past water levels for the Mokelumne River and Lodi Lake. I soon realized it was a waste of time. The WID paper said that the irrigation canal system is fed by little Lodi Lake and another Lodi water supply. Now to me what makes sense is to take out the little culvert north of the lake and dredge the river through the lake all the way around by the Woodbridge cemetery to feed this canal.

Does Lodi know about what happened to Knights Lake? When we were kids that portion of the lake was always filled with water and is now empty. There are about 34 acres at that location, I’m told. Before it was emptied it was a great place for fishing. At that time the surroundin­g area was an awesome place for deer, turtles, Sandhill cranes, ducks, geese, crawdads and plenty of other wildlife. Now, it’s pretty much filled with dry bush and trash which is fuel for summertime fire. But, it is empty. I was told that the Lodi Mosquito Vector Control District initiated a lawsuit against WID to drain it; my guess is to control the mosquito population.

Does Lodi fully understand the story behind Tracy Lakes? They’re planning to spend millions of taxpayers dollars to run a supply line with the supposed purpose for replenishm­ent of the groundwate­r. Seems like it’s being done for the developmen­t of property that will have exclusive private access to this body of water.

I believe it’s time we take a hard look at this project and consider saving taxpayers’ dollars on this pipeline and refill and restore Knights Lake to the citizens of Lodi rather than the special interest groups and wealthy developers. We need to pool together our resources, taxpayers, environmen­talists, and others to make Knights Lake the location for the restoratio­n of groundwate­r replenishm­ent and return it to its former natural habitat that the citizens can enjoy once again. This is our chance to restore one of the many jewels that belong to the citizens of Lodi.



Trump is trying to protect the country

Editor: The liberals claim the President Obama was one of the most popular presidents with almost a 60 percent rating. Give me a break! Thomas Jefferson refused to pay countries, known for their pirates in the Barbary Nations, in order to maintain good U.S. relations.

Oh no, not President Obama. He allocated more U.S. tax dollars to pay countries with known terrorist ties than any other president in history.

President Trump is trying to rectify the injustices done to the U.S. citizens during Obama’s reign, albeit way too fast before getting legal advice on how to implement these changes without causing chaos.

Our new president had his hands full. He’s done more for the U.S. citizens in his first two months than any other president in recent history. Give Trump a chance to get things done. Hollywood yahoos are berating our new leadership, and yet dismissing the U.S. citizens, whom they benefit from, that voted for that leadership.

Trump is protecting this country from open borders, implemente­d during Obama’s reign. Obama’s 90-day tourist policy, with no visa required, had many staying here illegally past 90 days. Some dissidents who came in during Obama’s policy reap havoc and attack the culture of this country and its citizens. They try to destroy from within.

Even students at Berkeley Berkley, whom many are attending there at U.S. taxpayers’ expense and are not U.S. citizens, protested and showed their contempt towards a speaker who does not share their ideology. Intended to be a peaceful boycott, due to outside dissidents, it ended up being a fiasco that will cost the U.S. taxpayers over $100,000 in damages to a university that’s noted for its free speech movement. These students undermine the very foundation of our constituti­on for “free” speech and what the University they attend believes in.



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