Lodi News-Sentinel

Health care overhaul faces resistance in Congress from right and left

- By Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — House GOP leadership faced mounting opposition Tuesday after introducin­g an Obamacare repeal and replace bill that was rejected by party deficit hawks, panned by Republican moderates and given only lukewarm support from President Donald Trump.

One day after unveiling the GOP’s long-promised effort to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and replace it with something better, the new American Health Care Act already appears to be on life support, unlikely to survive the onslaught of friendly fire unless Trump personally rallies his party.

But Trump’s interventi­on looks uncertain. While the president embraced “our wonderful new health care bill” in an early-morning tweet, he also suggested it’s just a starting point “for review and negotiatio­n” — opening the floodgates to alternativ­e ideas and proposals that could take weeks to sort out.

Later, in a White House meeting with House Republican­s, he offered a stronger endorsemen­t, saying he was “proud to support” their plan.

Trump is also accepting back-channel calls from conservati­ve Republican opponents — including Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. — who are warning him off legislatio­n they view as nothing more than a revamped federal entitlemen­t program. Conservati­ve lawmakers are being backed by the Koch network, whose supporters rallied outside the Capitol on Tuesday, and other influentia­l groups including Heritage Action and Club for Growth. They dismiss the GOP leadership’s bill as “Obamacare 2.0” or “Obamacare lite.”

“This is not the Obamacare repeal bill we’ve been waiting for,” said Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who is leading the GOP opposition with Paul and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

“We promised the American people we would drain the swamp and end business as usual in Washington. This bill does not do that,” Lee said. “This is exactly the type of backroom dealing and rushed process that we criticized Democrats for, and it is not what we promised the American people.”

For seven years Republican­s have promised to end Obamacare, and after winning repeated congressio­nal elections on their promise to repeal and replace the law, they were confident Democrats would have no choice but to join them.

But Democrats have shown no interest in the GOP bill, saying it would drop millions of Americans from health care coverage without offering them viable alternativ­es. Rather than being spooked by their November election losses, Democrats have been buoyed by the outpouring of support for Obamacare by constituen­ts and protesters flocking to lawmakers’ town hall meetings across the country.

“This Republican bill will do massive damage to millions of families across the nation,” said Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., the minority leader. She called it a “Make America Sick Again bill that hands billionair­es a massive new tax break while shifting huge costs and burdens onto working families across America.”

Without much backup, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., is neverthele­ss pressing forward with an ambitious committee hearing schedule Wednesday, ahead of an expected House vote this month. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said he expected passage in the Senate before the spring recess in April. But the GOP leaders are largely standing alone for now and will need more political muscle to heave the bill to passage.

The White House dispatched Vice President Mike Pence to Capitol Hill on Tuesday for his regular Senate Republican lunch and to meet with other GOP lawmakers, and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price told White House reporters he looked forward to working with critics on the bill.

But it is increasing­ly clear Republican­s will need more than the mild diplomacy of these two former congressme­n to hammer resistant Republican­s into line.

Republican­s can afford to lose no more than about 20 lawmakers in the House and two in the Senate under special rules that allow passage of the legislatio­n with a simple majority. Trump’s bully pulpit would provide a stronger nudge.

“I like the president’s statement that it’s up for negotiatio­n,” Paul said on Fox News, adding he spoke to Trump on Monday. “The negotiatio­n will be conservati­ves saying, ‘Hey, we’re not going to take Obamacare lite.’”

The architects of the House bill — Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, and Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee — urged their colleagues Tuesday to give the bill a chance. They are also betting that few Republican­s would want to be blamed for preventing the party’s best chance to date at derailing Obamacare.

“We can act now or we can keep fiddling around and squander this opportunit­y,” Brady said.

The Republican bill would dramatical­ly revamp the Obamacare system by shifting health care costs away from the federal government and onto patients and states.

The GOP legislatio­n ends the Obamacare subsidies that help some Americans buy health insurance and replaces them with monthly tax credits for consumers who buy their own insurance policies. Those credits, up to $14,000 a year for families, are phased out for individual­s earning more than $75,000 a year or $150,000 for couples.

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