Lodi News-Sentinel

Terror hits most innocent

- Christine M. Flowers is a lawyer and columnist for the Philadelph­ia Daily News. Readers may send her email at cflowers19­61@gmail.com.


Icannot imagine what the family members felt on 9/11, even though my own brother was in Manhattan when the Twin Towers came down. He emailed to tell us he was safe. I have no idea what the bereaved in Paris felt when the Bataclan was assaulted, even though I had French friends that sent me Facebook messages to say “nous sommes ‘OK.’” I know no one who lost a son, mother, or lover in the Orlando shooting, and I can only understand at the most superficia­l level what the victims of the Nice and Charlie Hebdo attacks felt. Unlike that one local television station that always struggles in a rather artificial way to find the “local angle,” I do not have a personal connection to these cataclysmi­c displays of hatred, across the globe.

But Manchester was different. Manchester was, in some ways, like Newtown. Because children raise the stakes and deepen the horror. When a child is targeted in the most deliberate way, even the stranger at the other end of the world feels the knife plunging into her gut and twisting, turning, slicing and shredding away at the humanity. A child is not supposed to attract hatred or deliberate evil. We know that not every child grows up with joy and love, and I can tell you stories of people that I personally know, or knew, who suffered mightily in their childhoods.

But the concept of “child,” the idea of innocence and the bubble-lightness of summer days and nursery songs and first kisses and hugs as strong as titanium and sweet as clover honey leaves no place for orchestrat­ed carnage. When it happens, as it did in Newtown, the world spins off of its axis for a while.

Perhaps Newtown isn’t the best analogy, because the source of the horror that December day was one boy with a diseased mind and no overriding political agenda. His hate was something from which we recoil, but was still, in its fury familiar. Guns, mental illness, bad parenting, all of the ingredient­s for mayhem were there and were things we despised, but didn’t surprise.

Islamic terror is something different, even though now we are getting used to it as the scars build up on our battered bodies. Each attack both deadens us to the singularit­y of the evil and makes us more determined to defeat it. But of course, we don’t, because we fall back into the stupid platitudes pronounced in sterilized language because we don’t want to offend the, you know, “the good ones.”

This attack in Manchester was more like the Beslan massacre in 2004 when Chechen rebels invaded a school in the Northern Caucasus and ended up murdering 186 children when the siege was over. They went for the school because it was a place where children studied, and played and innocently trusted that the adults would keep them safe until they could go home to their parents. These evil, evil men and women knew that only the most arid heart was impervious to the suffering of a child, and they sent their message in that innocent blood.

The suicide bomber in Manchester targeted the Ariana Grande concert because he knew that this was a place where young girls and their compliant mothers and fathers would be, gathered to listen to a youngish star who represente­d the shiny things they flock to, like moths to a musical flame. It was not a random choice, this concert. It was a meeting place for tweens and teenagers and those just starting to become what they had a right to become: adults.

I posted something on my Facebook page and used some expletives, and called this Islamic Terror, and no one faulted me for my four letter words but some scolded me for calling this “Islamic.”

But children were targeted, girls and boys, and I’m done with the sterile platitudes. When Adam Lanza shattered Christmas for the nation in 2012, I didn’t show sympathy for the mentally deranged or the gun lobbyists.

And so today, I have no time for those who tell me not to say “Islamic.”

Children change the paradigm. It’s time to tell the truth. It wasn’t radical Christians, enraged Buddhists, fanatical Jews or maniacal Sikhs who blasted themselves to hell and sent children to heaven.

This time, like the last time, and the time before, it was a nihilistic selfidenti­fied Muslim who did the deed.

Refusing to say it is another assault on the dead.

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