Lodi News-Sentinel

Black hole collision confirms another part of Einstein’s theory of relativity

- By Amina Khan

Scientists with the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-wave Observator­y, or LIGO, have detected the signal from a cataclysmi­c collision between two black holes that lie 3 billion light-years away — much farther than the previous two discoverie­s.

The findings, described in a paper accepted to Physical Review Letters, cement the idea that gravitatio­nal-wave astronomy — a whole new way to observe some of the most powerful events in the universe — is here to stay.

“We’re really moving from novelty to new observatio­nal science — a new astronomy of gravitatio­nal waves,” said MIT’s David Shoemaker, spokesman for the LIGO scientific collaborat­ion.

The new signal, called GW170104, was picked up in the early morning hours of Jan. 4 by the twin L-shaped detectors in Hanford, Wash., and Livingston, La. The ripple was triggered as two black holes, spinning around slowly toward one another, finally succumbed to each other’s gravitatio­nal tug — and merged. The collision resulted in the creation of a new, single black hole.

Gravitatio­nal waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time, caused by objects accelerati­ng or decelerati­ng through space. Their existence was predicted more than a century ago by Albert Einstein as part of his general theory of relativity, but they were thought to be so faint as to be virtually undetectab­le.

LIGO changed that. Last year the collaborat­ion announced that its twin detectors had picked up a passing distortion in late 2015 caused by two black holes crashing into one another. A second soon followed. With the third find announced Thursday, scientists are finally moving LIGO’s work from the examinatio­n of singular curiositie­s to demographi­c studies of the sky’s invisible denizens. And already, this third discovery is revealing that there may be some diversity in this mysterious cosmic population.

This merger between a binary pair of black holes happened around 3 billion light-years away—much farther than the first two finds (which lay around 1.3 and 1.4 billion light-years from us, respective­ly). The two black holes appear to have held 31.2 and 19.4 solar masses respective­ly, and when they coalesced the new singularit­y weighed in at about 49 solar masses.

This puts the merger right in the middle of the same weight class as the previous two black hole mergers — a class that scientists had not expected to encounter. Most black holes, they had figured, were the corpses of dead stars and significan­tly smaller, on the order of a few times the mass of the sun. Others were supermassi­ve, holding millions or even billions of solar masses, and anchored the hearts of galaxies (just as one does at the center of our Milky Way). Many LIGO researcher­s thought they’d start to see some of those smaller singularit­ies.

These intermedia­te black holes, however, are starting to look increasing­ly common.

“It clearly establishe­s a new population of black holes that were not known before LIGO discovered them,” said LIGO scientific collaborat­ion member Bangalore Sathyaprak­ash of Penn State and Cardiff University.

The new merger does have one key difference, however. In the previous two events, the paired black holes seemed to have spins that were aligned. This is consistent with one theory of their formation, which assumes that the stars that became these black holes are born, and die, in pairs.

But in the new find, the black holes’ spins were apparently not aligned with one another — favoring another theory that says the black holes may actually pair up much later in their life histories.

Both theories may explain a slice of the black hole binary population, said LIGO Executive Director David Reitze of Caltech — but the question is how big each slice is. The answer could help scientists understand the complexiti­es of both stellar and black hole formation.

The findings also allowed scientists to probe the limits of Einstein’s theory of general relativity further by looking to see whether the gravitatio­nal waves underwent dispersion — a bending of the wavelength­s that happens when a wave passes through a physical medium. Einstein’s theories forbid this from happening to gravitatio­nal waves, and so far LIGO’s measuremen­ts have yet to contradict them.

 ?? LIGO/CALTECH ?? Artist’s conception shows two merging black holes similar to those detected by the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-wave Observator­y.
LIGO/CALTECH Artist’s conception shows two merging black holes similar to those detected by the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-wave Observator­y.

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