Lodi News-Sentinel

Local leaders have bad role models


Editor: It seems odd that after citizens were required to pay for Lodi's infrastruc­ture — water meters — we now face an increase in water rates.

This sounds very suspect. Do you think this might have been the idea all along ... thinking we citizens would never catch on?

If I didn’t laugh at our local politician­s I would have a disproport­ionate negative attitude toward them. But, maybe instead, they’re really laughing at us. Look at the role models local politician­s have. Remember when our governor pushed through a previous gas tax, for roads, bridges, etc.? Remember how those funds were filtered into the state’s general fund and used to balance the governor’s budget?

So now we have a new gas tax, because our roads, bridges, etc., really need repairs. Oh well, I know of two things associated with the new gas tax, a negative and a positive. On the negative, stories are circulatin­g that millions of dollars were given to supporting politician­s, to appropriat­e a positive vote. Money these politician­s will use in undoubtedl­y positive ways, but where would these funds have originated if their vote had not been yes?

On the positive side the new gas tax funds are nailed down so tight, they will never see the governor’s general fund. Needed repairs might get done.

If this is the way out state politician­s set the tone for business, how can we expect stellar business from our local politician­s?

Look locally for examples of sacrificin­g for our community. A few years back, Lodi teachers took a noticeable pay cut that lasted for years. Why? For the students, for student supplies, to keep class sizes small, so many, many teachers would not lose their jobs.

We have about 1,400 teachers who sacrificed for your children and grandchild­ren, and this is only one example. Many people and businesses have sacrificed for the betterment of this community. Is it possible our city politician­s could look locally for positive examples, and not to our state leaders, who seem to embellish an attitude of greed? CAROL SMITH Lodi

Wait for it

Editor: Back on March 11, I wrote that the Democrats’ narrative of Russia colluding with Trump to win the election reminded me of the story of Esther where Haman had built gallows to hang the Jewish leader Mordecai but ended up being hung on the very gallows he prepared for Mordecai.

Haman being a type of the Democrat Party and the media and Mordecai being a type of Trump. I said, “I believe that before this year is out or perhaps the beginning of the next there will be high ranking government officials facing significan­t jail time” meaning those of the previous administra­tion.

I hold on to this belief even more today than ever before even though it’s wall-to-wall assaults on our president and his family. Draining this swamp is going to be messy and those who inhabit that swamp will not go down without a fight and I believe they’re so corrupt and so vicious that they would have no qualms in not only destroying the Trump family but also bringing down our government. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Republican­s are involved.

I wrote on April 3 reiteratin­g that Russia is a false narrative which I still hold to be true with one addition. It’s not only to bring down Trump’s presidency but also it’s a diversion to keep investigat­ions away from the outlaw reign of Obama hoping to keep everyone busy investigat­ing fantasy conspiracy theories about Trump and off of real criminal and possible treasonabl­e activities of Obama and his cohorts.

Delusional leftists blame everything under the sun for Hillary’s defeat. Russia, Bernie, global warming and on and on when the simple fact is Hillary was a seriously flawed candidate and very untrustwor­thy.

As the saying goes, “Wait for it ... wait for it...” these fantasy conspiraci­es concerning Trump will lead investigat­ors to the real culprits of Obama’s presidency and I believe the Democratic leadership and media are beginning to realize it which, if you think they and their supporters have gone nuts so far in their behavior, you ain’t seen nothing yet. RONALD PORTAL Lodi

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