Lodi News-Sentinel

U.S. officials stress Russian threat to elections in 2016

- By Deb Riechmann and Richard Lardner

WASHINGTON — U.S. officials sought Wednesday to underscore for lawmakers the threat Russia posed to the 2016 vote for the White House, outlining efforts to hack into election systems in 21 states and to fill the internet with misinforma­tion during a divisive campaign season.

Officials also revealed what appeared to be a breakdown in communicat­ions about how severe the threat appeared, and they reported tensions the Obama administra­tion faced in trying to publicly warn of meddling in the face of a skeptical then-candidate Donald Trump.

“One of the candidates, as you’ll recall, was predicting that the election was going to be rigged in some way. And so we were concerned that, by making the statement, we might in and of itself be challengin­g the integrity of the — of the election process itself,” Jeh Johnson, the former head of the Homeland Security Department, told members of the House intelligen­ce committee.

The testimony came during a morning of double-barreled intelligen­ce committee hearings — one in the House and one in the Senate — that underscore­d the U.S. intelligen­ce community’s months-old determinat­ion that Russia attempted to meddle in the election. The issue has become a flashpoint for the Trump administra­tion as congressio­nal committees and a special counsel investigat­e the interferen­ce and whether the Trump campaign may have become enmeshed in it.

A day earlier, Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said he still has yet to know the president’s thoughts on whether Russia interfered.

Johnson said Russian hacking didn’t change election totals, but he can’t be sure other meddling didn’t influence public opinion.

“It is not for me to know to what extent the Russian hacks influenced public opinion and thereby influence the outcome of the election,” he said.

Senators said the Homeland Security Department should reveal which state election systems were targeted by hackers as Jeanette Manfra, the department’s undersecre­tary for cybersecur­ity, demurred.

Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the committee’s ranking Democrat, noted that the FBI has confirmed intrusions into voter registrati­on databases in Arizona and Illinois, and said Americans need to know the identities of the other 19 states where meddling was detected.

“I do not believe our country is made safer by holding this informatio­n back from the American public,” he said. “To have the number of states that were hacked into or attempted to be hacked into still kept secret is just crazy in my mind.”

Manfra said the department was still tracking the meddling in the 21 states and believes it’s important to protect the confidenti­ality of the states.

State elections officials, who testified before the Senate committee, complained that DHS could have offered more informatio­n about the hacking.

Michael Hass, the Wisconsin elections commission­er, said DHS could have been more timely — and provided more detail — on election security and threats to elections systems at the local level.

Connie Lawson, Indiana secretary of state and presidente­lect of the National Associatio­n of Secretarie­s of State, said there were three conference calls led by Johnson with top state election officials about attempts to compromise state elections systems.

She said the calls occurred on Aug. 15, Sept. 8 and Oct. 12. “Each time Secretary Johnson was directly asked about specific, credible threats and each time he confirmed that none existed,” Lawson said.

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