Lodi News-Sentinel

An invitation to police department

- letters@lodinews.com.

Editor: There's an opportunit­y for the Lodi Police Department to make additional strides in connecting with the community. The community has an additional area in need of mentors and support. I believe the police department can help.

In our community and in communitie­s around the state there is a reading epidemic in our schools. The epidemic is so significan­t there have been numerous studies showing the vast difference­s in a person’s success in school and in life rooted around a thirdgrade­r's ability to read.

Our Lodi Chamber of Commerce has enacted a reading program, where they help young kids learn to read. I believe if the officers were to provide two hours per month assisting this reading program, the program will benefit, the children will see the officers as helpers, and mentors in their world.

The officers will benefit from the tremendous experience of helping a young person succeed in a challengin­g area of their life. The officers will establish long-lasting connection­s with the young people of the community they serve. And as a volunteer there is greater success in seeing someone you helped achieve their goals.

I hope the department takes on this challenge,

Good reading to all. DANIEL VALDEZ Lodi

President Trump comes out swinging again

Editor: How is Donald Trump able to work the keypad of his smart phone wearing boxing gloves? Inquiring minds want to know.

The combative New Yorker justifiabl­y blasted angry responses after a television ad campaign appeared, delivering the message that Congress should impeach Trump. While a growing body of Congressio­nal members of both parties seem to agree about removing the billionair­e blowhard, the president felt a private citizen was the most threatenin­g figure in the current discourse.

So, according to an Oct. 27 article by Yahoo News reporter Gabby Kaufman, Trump fired back:

“President Trump set his sights on ... liberal megadonor Tom Steyer Friday.

“‘Wacky & totally unhinged Tom Steyer, who has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning, never wins elections!’ Trump tweeted Friday.

“Though Trump didn’t mention what he was upset about, Steyer has spent $10 million in airtime for a minute-long commercial calling for Trump’s impeachmen­t and labeling the president ‘a clear and present danger who’s mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons.’ ”

Steyer’s characteri­zation of Trump is accurate. A compulsive sex addict, inconsiste­nt leader when policy matters are involved, pathologic­al liar, narcissist, and possibly engaged in criminal conflicts of interest due to his business relationsh­ips, the president is far more dangerous than nuclear-armed North Korea.

Since impeachmen­t proceeding­s are already in train, the only impediment is reluctance of some members of Congress to move ahead. Perhaps they should look forward a little - mid-term elections are little more than a year away. What advertisin­g messages might they encounter opposing their retention in office?

President Trump’s descriptio­n of Steyer is inaccurate. His dedication to the nation’s well-being is not “wacky.” (Yeah, he could have fed and housed a homeless family a year with the same budget, but the ad campaign might mean those folk will not be in the same condition in the future.)

Trump should take off the gloves, and realize the country really needs to become whole again. LANGE WINCKLER Lodi

Letters invited

The Lodi News-Sentinel welcomes opinions from its readers. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s address and phone number for internal verificati­on purposes. All letters are subject to editing. Letters from local readers dealing with local issues are given priority. Letters from outside the local area are published at the editor’s discretion. Letters longer than 350 words will be cut to fit or returned to their writers. There is a holding period of 30 days between publicatio­n of letters by the same person unless no other letters are queued. Send letters to P.O. Box 1360, Lodi, CA 95241-1360; or email to

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