Lodi News-Sentinel

Study show news coverage of drought stoked conservati­on

- By Karen Kaplan

What does it take to get California­ns to save water during a massive drought? Apparently, a lot of ink and newsprint helps.

Extensive news coverage of the state’s historic drought prompted residents to conserve water, new research out of Stanford University suggests. The more that major newspapers wrote about the drought, the more people in the Bay Area cut back on their personal water use, according to a report this week in the journal Science Advances.

Indeed, the overwhelmi­ng volume of news stories appears to have motivated California­ns to conserve even before Gov. Jerry Brown ordered mandatory water restrictio­ns on April 1, 2015.

The fact that people reduced their water use when they didn’t absolutely have to caught the attention of Newsha Ajami, the director of urban water policy for Stanford’s Water in the West initiative. Ajami wondered whether the media had anything to do with it.

To find out, she teamed up with Kimberly Quesnel, a graduate student in Stanford’s department of civil and environmen­tal engineerin­g.

The pair searched the story archives of six California newspapers (the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union-Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, Sacramento Bee and Orange County Register) and three others (USA Today, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal) to tally all of the drought-related stories that were published.

Their target period of July 2005 to June 2015 included not one but two droughts.

The first occurred from 2007 to 2009, brought about by a combinatio­n of “record low precipitat­ion” and “increased demand from urban areas,” the study authors explained. By February 2009, the drought had become so bad that then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzene­gger declared a statewide drought emergency.

The second drought began in 2011, kicking off the driest four-year stretch in California’s recorded history. By 2014, “exceptiona­l drought” conditions were widespread in the state.

Relief finally arrived with El Nino rains in 2016 and atmospheri­c river-fueled storms in 2017.

If only one of these droughts sounds familiar, that may be because only one of them rated as a big news story. (Hint: It wasn’t the first one.)

Back in 2007, 2008 and 2009, the drought “received limited media attention,” the study authors wrote. Newspapers published “a few” stories in the summer of 2008, after Schwarzene­gger issued an emergency proclamati­on for certain counties in the Central Valley. When that emergency was extended to the entire state in 2009, the story count was even lower.

Ajami and Quesnel noted that at the time, newspapers _ and their readers _ were preoccupie­d with other big stories. Among them: the presidenti­al election that put Barack Obama in the White House and the country’s worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

The situation was different by 2012, when newspapers began paying attention to another worsening drought. The number of stories on the subject began “rapidly increasing” in January 2014, when Brown declared a state of emergency.

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