Lodi News-Sentinel

No: Right-wing interests salivate at thought of stripped-down census

- WAYNE MADSEN A graduate of the University of Mississipp­i, Wayne Madsen is a progressiv­e commentato­r whose writings have appeared in leading American and European newspapers. Readers may write him at 415 Choo Choo Lane, Valrico, FL 3359

There are plenty of interests, most of them with dubious intentions, that would like to abandon the way the U.S. Census Bureau traditiona­lly conducts its decennial “hands-on” counting of the population of the United States.

The Trump administra­tion and its political backers understand that to control the outcome of the census is to control the U.S. House of Representa­tives and the Electoral College.

The state-by-state apportionm­ent of 435 House seats and the allotment of 435 of the 538 presidenti­al electors between the states are based on the latest census.

There are those on the political right who insist the Census Bureau should concentrat­e its efforts on merely counting heads, without any regard for collecting statistics on race, age, ethnic group, gender, and income level.

There have also been calls for the census to include sexual orientatio­n statistics. By not determinin­g the actual population of minority groups, census result could and would be used for the gerrymande­ring of congressio­nal districts, particular­ly in urban areas, to ensure African-Americans and Hispanics are underrepre­sented in the House of Representa­tives.

It is important that every American subject to the census understand that our country’s founders believed that a 10-year counting of the population was so important that they mandated it in the U.S. Constituti­on.

America’s founding document states in Article I, Section 2 that “Representa­tives and direct Taxes shall be apportione­d among the several States ... according to their respective Numbers ... The actual Enumeratio­n shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years.”

Those conservati­ve quarters, from which is heard a constant refrain of strictly interpreti­ng the Constituti­on, are more than happy to financiall­y cut corners for the constituti­onallymand­ated census.

Some on the political right suggest that Americans could be counted more efficientl­y and at a lower cost over the Internet. That would be a dream-come-true for the right.

The homeless, poor rural residents, and many senior citizens and disabled people would go uncounted.

Slash-and-burn Republican policymake­rs would use an undercount­ing of the most vulnerable Americans to take a budget ax to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Head Start, public education, veterans’ and public health clinics, unemployme­nt assistance, family-owned farm support, and other social safety net programs.

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, a billionair­e banker who wore $500 custom-made bedroom slippers to Donald Trump’s first address to Congress last February, may see his department’s Census Bureau as unnecessar­y and financiall­y burdensome to his department’s overall budget.

However, Ross would be violating his constituti­onal oath if he did not provide the Census Bureau with all the tools it requires to conduct the most accurate and politics-free census as possible.

The census should also ensure maximum privacy for the providers of informatio­n, especially since the Trump administra­tion is jam-packed with those who might decide to sell personal census data to their friends in the informatio­n brokerage industry.

Secretary Ross testified before the Senate Appropriat­ions Subcommitt­ee that he was seeking a two-percent increase in the Census Bureau’s budget for Fiscal Year 2018.

Ross should be congratula­ted for increasing the budget of the bureau. However, Ross’s prioritiza­tion for the “strategic reuse” of census data by other government department­s and the private sector is a worrisome sign.

Ross said nothing about the privacy controls for such potentiall­y personally-identifiab­le data. Census data, like voter registrati­on data held by the states, should not be used by private actors to micro-target Americans with various schemes.

That is not the purpose for census data and any suggestion to the contrary is not in keeping with the wishes of America’s founders.

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