Lodi News-Sentinel

Taking wrong approach with homeless


Editor: It seems to me that those who are addressing the homeless epidemic are going about it the wrong way.

Instead of providing more and more services and throwing good money after bad, a custom solution is in order.

People who are homeless are not all the same; some have lifestyle choices that greatly contribute to their homelessne­ss: addiction, laziness, a desire for that lifestyle.

Others find themselves homeless by losing their homes and incomes through no fault of their own: being mentally ill, made poor life choices, etc.

For those that contribute to their homelessne­ss by fueling their addictions and not wanting help, being criminals on the run, parolees, or those not wanting to change, then they should receive no services or assistance other than emergency medical treatment.

For those willing to accept positive change, and can demonstrat­e this, then by all means help them, but put in place controls and sunset periods.

Currently, it seems the more you try to “help” these individual­s, the more the situation spirals out of control.

How about refurbishi­ng the quonset huts at Sharpe Army Depot to house some of the homeless?

We, as a society, should not allow the human clutter in our towns and cities to spread like a cancer. We should not allow the use of public and private property to be used as toilets, and littered with debris and piles of trash.

The spread of disease and vermin compromise­s our public health and safety. Are tent cities that we have now, or proposed makeshift plywood shacks viable solutions? No, they are not.

Require the homeless receiving public assistance to contribute to society, instead of being a drain on it.

Require them to pick up trash from the streets and highways, etc. No shortage, as California has some of the filthiest road and highways in the U.S. KEN WINCHELL Lockeford

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