Lodi News-Sentinel

Yes: It allows government to properly disburse funds, services

- Merrill Matthews is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation. He holds a PhD in the Humanities from the University of Texas. Readers may write him at IPI, Suite 820, 1320 Greenway Drive, Irving, TX, 75038.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, at the request of the Justice Department, has instructed the U.S. Census Bureau to include a question on the 2020 decennial census asking whether the respondent is a U.S. citizen.

Such a request should be relatively uncontrove­rsial, since census takers have been asking that question on one survey or another since the very first census. But these days, even the uncontrove­rsial is controvers­ial.

Most of the pushback is coming from the left, especially politician­s and rent-seeking groups that thrive on redistribu­ting taxpayer dollars. But such a question could be very helpful for those who work in public policy — for example, in counting the uninsured.

The Census Bureau included a citizenshi­p question through 1950, stopping in 1960, as it sought ways to increase response rates. But the question was included on what is called the “long form” census in 1970, which went to fewer households.

In 2005, the citizenshi­p question was added to the American Community Survey, an annual survey of a very small percentage of households.

Because the Census Bureau’s decennial census has not included a citizenshi­p question for decades, analysts and elected officials do not know how many of the respondent­s are (1) citizens, (2) aliens in the U.S. legally, or (3) undocument­ed and in the U.S. illegally.

Thus, when the Census Bureau releases its annual survey of health coverage and the uninsured, it simply ignores how many of the uninsured are here illegally.

During healthcare reform debates in the past, some of us pointed out that perhaps 25 percent of the uninsured were undocument­ed aliens and so unlikely to be covered by health insurance reform efforts — and sure enough, Obamacare excluded illegals from receiving health insurance subsidies.

Even today, of the roughly 27.6 million (2016) uninsured, perhaps 8 million or so — a guestimate — are illegals ineligible for taxpayer subsidies. Very few of them are going to spend their own money, especially given the high cost of Obamacare coverage. They will simply remain uninsured.

And yet those pushing for some type of big-government solution to


the uninsured — including those who backed President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act — use the larger uninsured number to make the problem look bigger than it is, or at least bigger than any likely legislativ­e solution would address.

To be sure, the Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey does ask a citizenshi­p question. But while more frequent, those surveys are limited samples, about 3.5 million out of roughly 126 million households. The sample numbers are then extrapolat­ed for the country as a whole. But even then, the bureau doesn’t include an estimate of the uninsured who are in the U.S. illegally.

The result is that estimating the number of uninsured who are illegal has mostly been a guessing game. But the issue is not limited to the uninsured. The federal government funds a number of programs where taxpayer money supports illegal immigrants, either directly or indirectly. Knowing how many undocument­ed people are receiving those funds could help inform policy decisions.

Those opposing a citizenshi­p question claim that the U.S. Constituti­on requires the government to count everyone who resides in the country, legally or not.

Ironically, these are mostly the same people who long ago abandoned the notion of a literal interpreta­tion of the Constituti­on for what they call a “living Constituti­on,” defined as “one that evolves, changes over time, and adapts to new circumstan­ces, without being formally amended.”

While a citizenshi­p question might discourage some participat­ion, the Census Bureau has increasing­ly used various methods, statistica­l and otherwise, to fill in the gaps.

Some form of a citizenshi­p question has been around for two centuries. Stressing it once again would help take a little of the guesswork out of many of our public policy challenges.

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