Lodi News-Sentinel

Making outside feel a lttle less like outside

- By Armin Brott and Samantha Feuss https://www.indiegogo.com/ projects/pamu-waterproof-wireless-earbuds-never-fall-out#/

It’s hard to believe, but school will be out in about a month. And as the days get longer, we’ll be spending more time outdoors. But who says we have to do without our creature comforts? Check out some of the gear that makes being outside a little, less, well, outside.

PaMu TWS Earbuds (PaMu)

Do you love a good run? Maybe a hike, kayak, or even just some time in the gym? A lot of us like to listen to our favorite tunes (or podcast or audio book or some other kind of audio) while working out. But finding good earphones that can deal with sweat isn’t always easy. The new PaMu TWS wireless earphones are easy to wear, truly have no wires (until you have to charge them, of course), and are sweat-proof and water resistant. They also incorporat­e several must-have features, including hi-fi sound, auto-connects, touch control, auto pairing that lets you make calls and listen to music while your phone is in your pocket (or even further away), and an in-ear mic. Plus, they come with a portable charging pod that neatly fits your buds and doubles as a travel case, and more. And for ear buds, they’re reasonably comfortabl­e. If you’re a Dr. Who fan, they may remind you of Cybermen. Put in your giant ear buds and then you become a robot working for your new alien overlords. Ok, maybe not. They’re not available in stores yet, but you can snag a pair on Indiegogo before they hit the shelves.

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