Lodi News-Sentinel

If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it


Editor: Here we go again, adding to lunacy of this day and age. There is a certain group of people who don’t like the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” saying it’s offensive and should be banned.

Why is it that now a small group of people feel they can dictate what the majority should see, hear, eat, feel? If you don’t like this song the for crying out loud, turn it off.

This song was written in 1944, long before the MeToo movement. In the last 70 years no one has been offended by the lyrics. As a matter of fact, these lyrics are common in songs of that era. They were not meant to be insinuativ­e, but entertaini­ng. But radio stations across the country have succumbed to this minority group and have pulled the song. I’m sure the reason is that the stations don’t want this movement group turning on them because they weren’t supportive.

If you don’t like something don’t feel that it must be removed and banned. Let the rest of the country enjoy what they want to enjoy, and you can just refrain. You and yours are just a few in a nation of many and each of us has our likes and dislikes but keep them to yourself and let the rest of us enjoy what we want to enjoy, not what you think we should, hear, read, see, etc. What I am pointing out is that as a society we have become much too sensitive about anything and everything and attempt to force those sensitivit­ies overall.

We each have the right to like or dislike what we choose but we don’t have the right to insist that everyone else like or dislike the same. One other thing I want to make clear is that this letter has nothing to do with the MeToo movement but is merely stating that minority groups that are offended by something think that their way of thinking must be forced on the majority. We each have the right to participat­e or not. We each have a right to make the choice. ORLENE DENTONE Acampo

Bush was a great American

Editor: George Bush was a great man and a great American. He served his country well. He was shot down during WWII and went on to become the CIA director, a great congressma­n, the UN ambassador, and a great vice president. He was a good Republican who followed in the footsteps of Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

He called himself a “Compassion­ate Conservati­ve” and truly he was. Even though he practiced conservati­ve values, he always watched out for the needs of ordinary Americans. He always did what was good and right for the USA.

George Bush had a long list of accomplish­ments before he ever became president. Instead of building walls, he saw the Berlin Wall come down. Instead of antagonizi­ng our neighbors, he was instrument­al in ending the Cold War. You never heard anything about him leaving his wife to marry his mistress. He was devoted to Barbara, and stayed with her for 73 years.

He was a great father to his children, and some of them were proud to walk in his footsteps, and had successful political careers of their own. I registered as a Republican so I could vote for him back in 1988. And even though he only served one term, he was a great president and accomplish­ed a great deal to make the USA a better place.

Now 30 years later I must say I am ashamed of the way the Republican Party has deteriorat­ed. Their leaders aren’t like the leaders of old. Now they are like a bunch of right wing radical extremists. I hope that will eventually change, and that we will have another great President like George Bush.


Letters invited

The Lodi News-Sentinel welcomes opinions from its readers. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s address and phone number for internal verificati­on purposes. All letters are subject to editing. Letters from local readers dealing with local issues are given priority. Letters from outside the local area are published at the editor’s discretion. Letters longer than 350 words will be cut to fit or returned to their writers. There is a holding period of 30 days between publicatio­n of letters by the same person unless no other letters are queued. Send letters to P.O. Box 1360, Lodi, CA 952411360; or email to letters@lodinews.com.

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