Lodi News-Sentinel

NASA’s New Horizons to make history with visit to Ultima Thule

- By Deborah Netburn

In the cold vacuum of space, 1 billion miles past Pluto, a piano-sized spacecraft is about to make history.

NASA’s New Horizons probe is scheduled to fly past a mysterious object known as Ultima Thule at 9:33 p.m. PST on New Year’s Eve.

Located roughly 4 billion miles from Earth, it will be the most distant world ever visited by humankind.

And because it has probably remained in a deep freeze for 4.5 billion years, Ultima Thule could be the most pristine example of the solar system’s original disk of dust and gas ever observed.

“We’ve never seen anything like this and we don’t quite know what to expect,” said Alan Stern, the principal investigat­or for the mission. “We’re going to go from a dot in the distance on New Year’s Eve to maps on Jan. 2.”

You may remember New Horizons as the spacecraft that gave humanity its first close-up view of Pluto in 2015.

The high-definition images it sent back shocked scientists, revealing an unexpected­ly active world with towering mountains, steep cliffs and glaciers of frozen nitrogen. The probe also created temperatur­e maps of Pluto’s multicolor­ed surface, looked for auroras in its thin atmosphere and measured the dust and plasma in its environmen­t.

NASA’s New Horizons probe will take even more detailed images of Ultima Thule than it did of Pluto in 2015.

Ultima Thule is 100 times smaller than Pluto, but New Horizons will get three times closer to its surface than it did to the dwarf planet, observing it from just 2,200 miles away at its closest approach.

On Pluto, the space probe was able to see individual features the size of Central Park in New York City.

On Ultima Thule, the resolution will be even better.

“We’ll get down to about the size of two baseball diamonds,” said Stern, who is based at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo.

The first images from this faraway frozen world will reach Earth on New Year’s Day. Mission planners expect to release them to the public on Jan. 2.

“This is really terra incognita,” said New Horizons project scientist Hal Weaver, who works at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md. “It’s the frontier of planetary science.”

New Horizons blasted off from Earth way back in January of 2006. It traversed 3 billion miles of space — visiting Jupiter and observing its rings and moons along the way — before making its closest approach to Pluto 9 1/2 years later.

“It’s been a mission of delayed gratificat­ion,” Stern said.

Pluto was New Horizons’ first and primary destinatio­n, but the spacecraft still had half a tank of propellant after that encounter, and its instrument­s all had a clean bill of health.

In 2016, NASA gave mission planners the go-ahead to explore additional objects in the Kuiper Belt — a cold, doughnut-shaped region of the outer solar system that includes Pluto and hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of other worlds.

“I call Pluto the gatekeeper of the Kuiper Belt,” Weaver said. “It’s the biggest and brightest object we can see, and it’s right on the inner edge.”

Ultima Thule lies in the center, and most dense region, of the Kuiper Belt, Weaver said. Discovered in 2014, it is so far from Earth and so dim that even to the Hubble Space Telescope it appears as little more than a point of light moving against the stars.

To characteri­ze it, astronomer­s used a technique known as stellar occultatio­n. By watching Ultima Thule pass in front of a star and measuring how long the star is hidden from sight, they are able to ascertain that it is about 20 miles long and almost certainly not spherical.

It might be shaped like a lumpy potato, said astronomer Marc Buie, a colleague of Stern’s at the Southwest Research Institute who led the occultatio­n work. Or it might be shaped like a headless snowman — two balls stuck together, he said.

Its surface is probably reddish in color and reflects just 10% of the light it receives. That makes it significan­tly darker than any of the surfaces on Pluto, and about as bright as the surface of our moon.

“That tells us a bit, but only a bit,” Buie said. “We’ll know a lot more on Jan. 1.”

The New Horizons team has given their small spacecraft several science tasks to complete as it zips past Ultima Thule.

Chief among them is the search for any evidence that this small, cold world is not completely dormant.

“We know from measuring comets that they have lots of exotic ices that can go straight from the solid phase to the gas phase even in these incredibly cold temperatur­es,” Weaver said.

Volatile ices on the surface of Ultima Thule would have sublimated away long ago, but it is possible that similar compounds buried deep in the object’s interior could cause dust or gas to rise from its body and shoot off into space.

New Horizons will also use its infrared spectral imager to determine what minerals Ultima Thule might contain, how much water is locked away in its chemistry, and whether organic material exists on its surface.

Another instrument will examine dust scattered in the sunlight to see what molecules are floating in Ultima Thule’s vicinity. The spacecraft will also look at charged particles around the small world to see if it has any impact on the solar wind streaming past it.

“We are using every tool in our arsenal to pull down as much informatio­n as we can,” Weaver said.

New Horizons’ New Year’s Eve flyby will be more difficult than the one it made past Pluto a few years ago, said Chris Hersman, the mission’s chief engineer at Johns Hopkins.

New Horizons captured this iconic image of Pluto in 2015. The spacecraft will view Ultima Thule in even greater detail.

Pluto is a larger object, and the point of closest approach was further away. Therefore, New Horizons’ instrument­s had more time to collect data than they’ll have with Ultima Thule, Hersman said.

“Think of an old airplane barnstormi­ng a field,” he said. “The closer you get to the ground, the harder it is to take a picture of something in the field. The further away you are, the more time you have to take the picture.”

When New Horizons flew past Pluto, it had about 48 hours to collect its best data. When it flies past Ultima Thule, it will have less than five hours to take similar measuremen­ts, Hersman said.

 ?? NASA/JHUAPL/ SWRI ?? An illustrati­on of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft encounteri­ng 2014 MU69 – nicknamed “Ultima Thule” – a Kuiper Belt object that orbits one billion miles beyond Pluto. Set for New Year’s 2019, New Horizons’ exploratio­n of Ultima will be the farthest space probe flyby in history.
NASA/JHUAPL/ SWRI An illustrati­on of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft encounteri­ng 2014 MU69 – nicknamed “Ultima Thule” – a Kuiper Belt object that orbits one billion miles beyond Pluto. Set for New Year’s 2019, New Horizons’ exploratio­n of Ultima will be the farthest space probe flyby in history.

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