Lodi News-Sentinel

2019: A year of compromise?


Editor: Simple prayer for 2019: all public officials local, state, and federal use their opinions to start creating solutions.

Compromise and find solid solutions to problems at every level of government. Get back to “We the People.” Solutions are solved by people who can put service first. Public officials are supposed to be servants of the people, not parties. Our society is reflective of our politics, and our public officials cannot see past their own noses to see this.



What are Democrats doing to our country?

San Francisco via Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi, has a map of where human poop is on the sidewalks, and a new task force to clean it up. Sanctuary city, and sanctuary state. How many more people have to be killed by an undocument­ed immigrant before we secure our border. Do you lock your doors to your house at night, do you lock your car when you go shopping? Why?

Remember Kate Steinle, murdered by an undocument­ed immigrant who had been deported five or six times. This police officer in Newman — his 5-month-old old baby will never know his father.

I want my border secure. Democrats stand for what? Obstructio­n, open borders, high taxes, easy on criminals, abortion. UC Davis neonatal care saves babies that are 1.4 pounds.

Democrats love taxes. How much money are we wasting on stupid government programs. Some of that money could reduce taxes. All of this stuff Pelosi and Feinstein and now Kamala Harris do, only hurts the middle class and the poor. Most of these Democrats became rich on the government.

The last descent Democrat was John F. Kennedy, affectiona­tely known as JFK. He was a war hero, strong military and the last Democrat to give the American people a tax cut. JFK is spinning so fast in his grave, he could drill a hole to China. He stood up to Russia. Remember the Cuban missile crisis?

The middle class and the poor are constantly hurt by the Democrats, yet they keep voting for them. Who was it that said, “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity?” DENNIS VETICA Lodi

Why are we protecting dangerous people?

Editor: In the wake of an undocument­ed immigrant killing a Newman police officer, Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christians­on asked the pertinent question:

Why does California give sanctuary to criminals and gang members?

My take on the whole issue is that California and national Democrats think the “rights” of undocument­ed immigrants are more important than the rights of citizens.

The accused killer of Newman police officer Ronil Singh, a husband and father of a 5-month-old son, Gustavo Perez Arriaga had two previous drunk-driving arrests, and gang affiliatio­ns.

Before the California sanctuary law was passed by Democrats, including Sen. Cathleen Galgiani and Assemblywo­man Susan Eggman, Arriaga would have been deported and Singh would still be alive. But instead, he was never deported and when he was pulled over, he killed Officer Singh.

The Stanislaus County sheriff called the sanctuary law bad public safety policy as well as dangerous and irresponsi­ble.

Earlier this month, another California county, Tulare County, had another “reign of terror” after undocument­ed immigrant Gustavo Garcia was arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance and then released, thanks once again to the California sanctuary law.

Less than 48 hours later, Garcia would go on a rampage through Tulare County that left three dead, including Garcia, and at least seven hospitaliz­ed. He's accused of racking up a dozen crimes in 24 hours.

These two “reigns of December terror” have been brought to Golden State citizens through the “courtesy” of California Democrats. And these Democrats, the causes of these murders, have the gall to attack President Trump.


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