Lodi News-Sentinel

Vaccinatio­n comes from cow in Latin


In 1796, English physician Edward Jenner conducted his first clinical trials in vaccinatio­n against smallpox, deriving his vaccine from the milder cowpox virus. Once the vaccine had been tested, Jenner vaccinated his patients, set up a free clinic to vaccinate poor people and provided other doctors with the vaccine so they could do the same. (An anti-vaccine movement came about soon after.) He even coined the word “vaccinatio­n” from “vacca,” the Latin word for cow.

Lactose, which is found in milk, would be best classified as what?

A) Acid

B) Metalloid

C) Salt

D) Sugar

Answer: Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk.

Marie Antoinette’s rose

Marie Antoinette’s signature flower was Rosa centifolia, what we’d call a cabbage rose, and what she might have called a Provence rose or “rosier a cent feuilles” — “rose of a hundred leaves.” The name cabbage rose comes from the flower’s size and shape, not from its fragrance. In fact, cabbage roses have a sweet, pleasing scent, which is why perfumers love them and possibly why Marie Antoinette surrounded herself with them (18th-century hygiene being somewhat dubious).

The Treaty of Versailles helped to end which conflict?

A) American Revolution­ary War

B) French and Indian War C) War of 1812

D) World War I

Answer: Signed on June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles led to the end of World War I.

Galician language honored

May 17 is Galician Literature Day, or Dia das Letras Galegas, in the Galicia region of northweste­rn Spain. Similar to Portuguese, Galician dates back to at least the 13th century, when troubadour­s serenaded young women with Galician songs of love. (It’s a romance language, after all.) Sixteenth-century Spanish rulers discourage­d its use, figuring everyone ought to speak Spanish, but the poet Rosalia de Castro helped spearhead a Galician renaissanc­e — or “rexurdimen­to” — in the 19th century.

Which music superstar played “Take Me to the Pilot” in his U.S. debut at Los Angeles’ Troubadour nightclub in August 1970?

A) Bob Dylan

B) Elton John

C) Van Morrison

D) Bruce Springstee­n

Answer: Elton John made his U.S. debut playing six sold-out shows at the Troubadour in August 1970.

‘Annie Hall’ scene cut

Among the scenes cut from the final version of Woody Allen’s 1977 film “Annie Hall” is one in which Allen joins a team of philosophe­rs (Immanuel Kant, Soren Kierkegaar­d and their cronies) to play basketball against the New York Knicks, including Bill Bradley, Walt “Clyde” Frazier and Earl “The Pearl” Monroe.

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