Lodi News-Sentinel

Administra­tion doesn’t tell the full story


Editor: I am not all that opinionate­d or political, however, just the last two years have been somewhat hard for me to understand, politicall­y speaking.

Being of Mexican descent, I have been somewhat bothered by many comments directed at immigrants from the present presidenti­al administra­tion. This administra­tion has been very harsh at certain immigrants, especially illegals. I am in no way for illegals being here, but being a businessma­n for at least 40 years locally, I can tell you that illegals have benefited from being here. But at the same time a lot of business have also benefited from these people.

The present presidenti­al administra­tion has put up a lot of complaints about immigrants leeching off our resources and at the same time letting the public know that these people should not be here. However, the administra­tion does not let the public know of the benefits and resources most of these people provide our country.

Again, not saying I’m all for illegals being here. I have had a tax service for a long time and I do notice that most of these people are very hard workers and do have payroll taxes deducted from their paychecks. Yet these people will not be entitled to unemployme­nt, Social Security benefits or other benefits provided by our government.

I see the present administra­tion just complainin­g about so many things, but yet do not look to find or seek solutions to certain problems. Countries and government­s cannot be run like a business. There has to be more humanitari­an and realistic approaches to internal problems.

As for the caravans coming through Mexico and into the United States, that is another story, that I do not want to get into, however, it could be looked into and rationaliz­ed.



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