Lodi News-Sentinel

Free will comes with responsibi­lities, consequenc­es


Editor: I am a pro-choice Christian. We were all born with a free will, and the responsibi­lity to do no harm to others, and a conscience to warn us when we are doing harm. If we violate our conscience, there are consequenc­es, usually guilt. And if we violate our conscience for long enough, it will leave us to suffer the condemnati­on of God.

Along with this free will, comes the right to choose to have an abortion, or not, and the responsibi­lity to do no harm to others, either by taking a human life, or by taking money from unwilling taxpayers to pay for it.

The issue of whether or not abortion takes a human life has been argued since before Roe v Wade, and will be argued until eternity, because human beings have no ability to determine when life begins. Therefore, the responsibi­lity and consequenc­es for the choice, and funding it, or finding willing donors should lie solely with the individual making it.

This doesn't mean that there is no compassion for those who make bad decisions — we all do, but that compassion comes from individual­s willing to adopt, and private charities/churches capable of organizing adoptions, and caring for those in need financiall­y, emotionall­y, and spirituall­y. That way, society as a whole does not pay the price for the mistakes of a few. Anything that is harder to come by, or requires more personal responsibi­lity and sacrifice to achieve, there is less of. If this weren't true, we would all be millionair­es. And, after all, isn't it everyone's goal for there to be less abortions, not more?



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