Lodi News-Sentinel

Yes: Private prisons have a role to play

- Austill Stuart is a policy analyst at Reason Foundation and editor of the Annual Privatizat­ion Report. He wrote this for InsideSour­ces.com.

The profitabil­ity of private correction­s companies can be seen as a symptom of broken local, state and federal correction­s systems across the United States, which spent decades placing too many people in jail for too long periods of time.

While some recent progress has been made in reducing inmate population­s, policies created by alliances between police, prosecutor­s, prison guards and so-called "tough on crime" politician­s contribute­d to correction­s systems regularly being forced to make very difficult resource management decisions, especially in terms of staffing and physical space.

Overcrowdi­ng pressures, for example, plague many correction systems. Overfull prisons create greater risks, reduce the safety of inmates and staff, and shorten the useful life of correction­al facilities.

While critics of private correction­s companies point to their profits or financial values as bad things, banning private prisons would undoubtedl­y make the sad state of U.S. correction­s even worse. Behind every decision to outsource any prison activity lies government leaders who said, "We think the private sector can do this (outsourced activity) better than our inhouse government staff can."

These administra­tors conclude that private companies can build, operate and provide day-to-day correction­al services better than their own government­s can. But, importantl­y, they are also setting up the government to more effectivel­y serve its crucial oversight and accountabi­lity role.

Using public-private partnershi­ps, government­s can write detailed, performanc­ebased contracts that spell out exactly what services are to be provided; the precise conditions within the prisons that must be provided and met; educationa­l, vocational and rehabilita­tive programs that must be offered; and more. And the government can impose financial penalties, or even fire, poorly performing contractor­s.

In contrast, who's watching the watchmen at government-run prisons? Government inherently has a conflict of interest when comes to reviewing the performanc­e of its own prisons and guards. Additional­ly, those questionin­g the motives of private prisons should explain whose interests powerful prison guards unions, like the California Correction­al Peace Officers Associatio­n, are representi­ng when they spend millions of dollars on lobbying for, and pushing, ballot initiative­s for more prisons, longer prison sentences, harsher parole rules, more prison guards, and more. Public prison unions certainly aren't on board with today's criminal justice reform movement.

Conversely, private prisons are well-suited to play a key role in these improvemen­ts. Performanc­e-based contracts can

be used to create incentives that are in sync with the bipartisan criminal justice reform drive to decriminal­ize minor drug possession, rehabilita­te people who serve time, help former inmates re-enter society, reduce recidivism rates and restore their voting rights.

If reform-minded individual­s agree that prison time should be used to prepare inmates for release, it is important to note that where occupation­al and rehabilita­tive services currently exist in U.S. correction­al facilities, the private and non-profit sectors usually provide them. Designing new prison programs that better accommodat­e rehabilita­tive and profession­al training services requires forward-thinking, which government-run correction­s systems typically lack. This is where the profit motive of private companies can serve the public good.

Indeed, private prison companies entered into a pair of public-private partnershi­ps in Oceania (one in Australia, one in New Zealand) to build and operate prisons. The contracts incentiviz­e and financiall­y reward the private companies with bonuses if they reduce inmate recidivism. Motivated by the contract, the companies designed cells to offer ample natural light, television­s and computers to help inmates read and learn. Fitness facilities, counseling, parenting and job training are also offered. The contract even specifies that the prison operator gets fined any time cell temperatur­es get too high. The government knows it can save money in the longterm if people don't return to prison and is working with the private sector to design a system best equipped to achieve that goal.

As private companies continue to provide services for jails and prisons, their profitabil­ity is the result of an increasing willingnes­s by government correction­s agencies to admit they need help. Instead of seeking to ban private prisons, these entities should be encouraged to devise modern, cutting-edge rehabilita­tion and job training practices that help reduce the prison population and recidivism rates.

Getting the U.S. correction­s system from its sad state to a more rehabilita­tive approach will be difficult, especially after decades of correction­s policies that sought to punish inmates with long sentences. But solutions should solve problems, not exacerbate them. And getting rid of private prisons would make criminal justice reforms much more difficult to achieve.

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