Lodi News-Sentinel

No: Facebook’s political ad exemption policy is a danger to our democracy

- Yosef Getachew is the Media & Democracy program director at Common Cause. He wrote this for InsideSour­ces.com.

In recent weeks, President Trump ran an ad on Facebook with discredite­d allegation­s about former Vice President Joe Biden’s relationsh­ip with Ukraine. Despite requests from Biden’s campaign to take down the ad, Facebook refused, stating the ad didn’t violate its policies on political advertisin­g. Facebook’s new policy exempts politician­s’ political ads from third-party fact-checkers.

The exemption effectivel­y allows any politician to run ads on the platform that contain deceptive, false or misleading informatio­n. Given the president’s propensity to lie, it’s easy to understand why many are calling this the “Trump exemption.”

Facebook’s reasoning for this exemption is that it prioritize­s free expression and deems political speech as newsworthy content that should not be subject to the platform’s community standards. To be sure, free expression is an important value to uphold in our democracy. But the rise of social media platforms has changed the way we receive news and informatio­n compared to traditiona­l media platforms.

Political candidates are also spending an increasing amount of money to run ads on social media to reach and influence voters. That’s why Facebook’s hands-off policy toward political ads poses a danger to our democracy. Giving politician­s free rein to spread lies using political ads shows a disregard for the role Facebook and other social media platforms play in disseminat­ing informatio­n to voters and how political candidates can abuse these policies to spread disinforma­tion.

First, it’s important to understand the unique role Facebook and other social media platforms play when it comes to advertisin­g. Facebook’s business model is based on collecting as much data on its users as possible. It then shares relevant data points, including users’ demographi­c informatio­n, with advertiser­s for targeted advertisin­g. This means political candidates can target their ads to vulnerable communitie­s who may be more receptive to false or misleading statements.

This is inherently different from political ads aired on traditiona­l media (broadcast stations or cable networks) where the entire viewing audience can see the ad.

Political candidates have exploited Facebook’s targeted advertisin­g capabiliti­es in the past. For example, in 2016 then-candidate Trump ran ads on Facebook targeting African Americans to discourage them from voting in the election. Now, the president is taking advantage of Facebook’s ad exemption policy to run ads with misleading statements targeting senior citizens. Facebook believes that voters should decide for themselves what politician­s are saying. But when politician­s can target a subset of voters with false and misleading informatio­n, it diminishes the ability to openly debate these claims, erects barriers to voter participat­ion and ultimately undermines the integrity of our elections.

Second, Facebook believes its ad exemption policy allows it to remain neutral when it comes to political advertisin­g. But Facebook is not a contentneu­tral platform. That is to say, Facebook displays content to its users based on algorithms that optimize for engagement.

Content on the platform that generates the most engagement tends to be provocativ­e speech, misinforma­tion or sensationa­list stories. Allowing politician­s to run ads with false statements takes advantage of Facebook’s engagement-focused algorithms to amplify harmful content.

It should come as no surprise that Trump’s recent ad with misleading statements on Biden received millions of views. By choosing to exempt political ads, Facebook is not remaining neutral but instead promoting content that is more inflammato­ry and damaging to our democracy.

So the question becomes how should Facebook handle ads from political candidates that contain false or misleading statements. The easiest solution would be for Facebook to stop running political ads altogether. But given that this is unlikely to happen, there are certainly steps Facebook could take to mitigate the harms from deceptive political ads. For example, Facebook could limit the ability for political candidates to run ads that are microtarge­ted to specific communitie­s. Facebook could also label political ads with disclaimer­s that the ads have not gone through third-party factchecki­ng.

Whatever steps Facebook takes, it’s clear that the platform cannot stand idly by and allow politician­s to spread disinforma­tion. The 2016 presidenti­al election proved how foreign actors can use social media to spread disinforma­tion campaigns and sow discord among voters to influence electoral outcomes. With the 2020 election around the corner, Facebook’s exemption policy invites politician­s to imitate Russia’s disinforma­tion playbook to undermine our elections and put our democracy at risk.

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