Lodi News-Sentinel

Suicides climb steeply among police officers

- By Katie Rice

ORLANDO, Fla. — More police officers died by suicide than in the line of duty in 2019, and the number of reported police suicides rose for the fourth consecutiv­e year, according to Blue H.E.L.P., a mental health advocacy group for police and their families.

In 2019, 228 police officers died by suicide, and 132 were killed in the line of duty. In comparison with 2018, duty deaths for police officers decreased 20% while suicides increased 35%, according to Blue H.E.L.P., which says it is the only group in the country tracking law enforcemen­t suicides.

Florida had the fourthmost officer suicides in 2019. The state has the same ranking in total officer suicides since 2016, Blue H.E.L.P. reported.

Blue H.E.L.P. has reported two suicides in 2020 already.

Neither the Orange County Sheriff ’s Office nor the Orlando Police Department has had any officer suicides in recent years, but both agencies have programs in place to highlight mental health awareness.

Orange County Sheriff John Mina said suicides by law enforcemen­t officers have been “swept under the rug for many, many years.”

As part of an awareness campaign, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office released a video in December encouragin­g deputies to reach out if they need mental health assistance with the slogan, “It’s OK to not be OK.” In the video, Mina said seeking help would not affect officers’ careers.

“I tell deputies all the time, ‘I would think even more highly of you if you recognize that you’re having an issue,’ “he told the Orlando Sentinel.

The campaigns are designed to make deputies aware of mental health resources and encourage them to use them, Mina said.

“(The messaging says,) ‘We know this is a difficult job, we know you see a lot of things that our residents don’t see every day and it’s OK to get help,’ “he said.

Doug Wyllie, media relations adviser for Blue H.E.L.P., said the data on officer suicides is aggregated from a number of sources, including law enforcemen­t agencies, news reports and families of fallen officers. Death reports are verified with secondary sources, he said.

While the data seems to suggest police suicides are becoming more frequent, Blue H.E.L.P. cautions against drawing that conclusion. The higher numbers could be due to the way suicides are reported or an increased societal willingnes­s to talk about an issue previously considered taboo.

“We can’t be sure that suicides are on the rise or if they are being reported more accurately,” said Blue H.E.L.P. co-founder Karen Solomon in a written statement.

Suicides have long gone under-reported or been miscategor­ized in the media as accidents, Wyllie said. But officer suicides also seem to be happening more publicly and visibly, he said.

In 2019, Blue H.E.L.P. collected more data than in previous years, which could contribute toward the perceived increase in suicides, said Steve Hough, another co-founder of the organizati­on.

“(This indicates) families, friends and co-workers are willing to move beyond the stigma of suicide and mental health to provide us data which may help others in the future,” Hough said in a written statement.

Blue H.E.L.P. has been collecting data on law enforcemen­t suicides for over four years, but the organizati­on has not interprete­d the data to identify specific trends yet, Wyllie said. It

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