Lodi News-Sentinel

Seniors’ sweet tax breaks have become a target

- By Elaine S. Povich STATELINE.ORG

As Americans begin the challenge of filling out their tax returns this year, one taxpayer demographi­c generally pays less than others: senior citizens.

Tax breaks for seniors cost states approximat­ely $27 billion a year and will more than double in the next decade, according to a recent study from the progressiv­e Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington, D.C. That money could pay for schools, roads and other needs, critics argue.

Giving a break to seniors based on their age rather than their income or financial status dates from a time when people had shorter lives and fewer investment­s. But the financial situation of seniors has improved overall, leaving some experts to question whether the tax breaks make sense.

“I think part of it is because there is sort of an image of seniors living on fixed incomes struggling to get by,” said Elizabeth McNichol, who wrote the study. “I think that’s stuck in peoples’ heads. The reality is the senior poverty rate is less than for other people and certainly less than for younger people and children.”

In 1970, about a quarter of the over-65 population had below-poverty income, the report pointed out, citing the U.S. Census Bureau’s official poverty measure. Since then, retirement income, including Social Security, has expanded. Today, only 10% of those over 65 are poor, according to the same measure.

By comparison, the rate of children under 18 living in poverty is 16%, according to the latest U.S. census figures.

But, the report noted, senior poverty is higher within minority groups and among the very old — leading to greater disparitie­s in wealth among senior citizens. “As a result, many longstandi­ng state tax preference­s for seniors now benefit taxpayers with much better ability to pay taxes than lower-income households,” the report said.

The state income tax liability of seniors varies. Seniors in Georgia paid just 42% of what they would have paid as nonseniors, compared with 90% in Rhode Island, according to a 2016 study in Public Finance Review. However, state lawmakers have little incentive to stop handing tax advantages to seniors.

Older folks vote more, and they have powerful lobbyists like the AARP to look after their interests. In fact, a half dozen states — including West Virginia, Pennsylvan­ia, New York and Virginia — already are gearing up with new or carryover senior tax break legislatio­n for the coming legislativ­e sessions.

Those would be in addition to 28 states and the District of Columbia, which exempt Social Security income from state income tax. Another 26 states exempt private pension income from taxes, in full or in part. And all but six states give additional age-based benefits such as personal income tax exemptions, higher standard deductions or extra tax credits.

AARP’s Elaine Ryan, vice president for state advocacy and strategy, said in an email to Stateline that while the group generally supports tax preference­s that are “equitable, cost-effective and targeted to those who have lower and moderate incomes,” seniors have special needs.

Those include a greater need for financial security, as pensions don’t keep up with the cost of living or are eliminated altogether and can’t compensate for the increasing costs of groceries, utilities and prescripti­on drugs, she said.

She also noted that the most recent data from the Census Bureau’s supplement­al poverty measure — an alternate poverty measure that accounts for many of the government programs designed to assist low-income families and individual­s that are not included in the official poverty measure — shows that nearly 14% of seniors are at or below the poverty level, slightly higher than the overall population (13%).

 ?? TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE ?? Many states give seniors all kinds of tax breaks, but is it fair to the young and middle-aged?
TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE Many states give seniors all kinds of tax breaks, but is it fair to the young and middle-aged?

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