Lodi News-Sentinel

Will State of the Union speech be belligeren­t?

- By Griffin Connolly

WASHINGTON — Democrats and Republican lawmakers are bracing for a whole new level of partisan belligeren­ce from President Donald Trump at the State of the Union on Tuesday, less than 24 hours before the Senate is expected to vote to acquit him of both articles of impeachmen­t he faces.

“I’m expecting the worst,” Sen. Chris Murphy told reporters Monday, saying that he would not be surprised if Trump made pointed remarks about the press, Democratic lawmakers and the impeachmen­t managers presenting the case against

1 him over the last 2 ⁄2 weeks.

It is simply “not in his DNA to do anything more than boast and lie to us,” Hawaii Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono said when asked about her expectatio­ns for Trump’s address. “I would love for him to talk about bringing the country together, but I think that’s asking too much of this president.”

A senior administra­tion official declined Friday to say whether Trump plans to mention impeachmen­t during his speech.

“It’s never safe to assume anything,” the official said.

Speechwrit­ers have been preparing for the president to present a “vision of relentless optimism” and a largely upbeat speech focused on a handful of policy victories that, when pieced together, form a narrative of “the great American comeback,” the official said.

A significan­t part of the president’s remarks is expected to highlight victories on trade policy with China as well as the new trade pact with Mexico and Canada.

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