Lodi News-Sentinel

Scientists: Many more coronaviru­s cases than reported

- By Melissa Healy

An analysis of the novel coronaviru­s’s spread inside the United States suggests that thousands of Americans are already infected, dimming the prospects for stomping out the outbreak in its earliest stages.

Researcher­s estimate that by March 1, the virus had already infected about 1,000 to 10,000 people who have not yet been accounted for. At the start of this month, about 80 U.S. cases had been confirmed and officials were still expressing confidence they could contain the new virus.

Quarantine­s, contact tracing and other public health measures have likely tamped down the COVID19 outbreak here, the researcher­s said. But from the start, a group of infected travelers just big enough to fill an elevator likely has been expanding the virus’s reach, largely undetected.

Released into a country of about 330 million, each of these travelers was assumed to have passed the virus to 2 to 2.5 people, each of whom in turn infected another 2 to 2.5 people, and so on. Tote up the nodes on this rapidly branching network of contacts and the number of victims balloons quickly, the researcher­s wrote.

Their study, released Monday on the medRxiv website to discuss work that has not yet been submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, came as U.S. officials reported a total of 704 COVID-19 cases and 29 deaths in the United States. That is likely just the tip of a much larger iceberg, the mathematic­al modeling suggests.

Under their most optimistic assumption­s, as few as 1,043 people in the United States have been infected with the novel coronaviru­s. Under a more realistic scenario, that number could easily be as high as 9,484.

That only accounts for U.S. residents whose infections originated with people carrying the virus directly from Wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak in China. In reality, many more people likely have brought the virus here from other hot spots, including Italy, South Korea and the rest of Asia. Each virus carrier who arrived from those places would set off his or her own cascade of infections.

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