Lodi News-Sentinel

Kids’ sports bring out obnoxious friend


Dear Annie: Another spring sports season is here, and another knot is taking hold in my stomach.

A friend of mine introduced me to an older adult friend of hers, “Greg.” He doesn’t have much family except for one relative who lives a couple of towns away.

Greg used to visit this relative quite often but hardly does anymore because this relative is busy with children. Since then, Greg has worked his way into our lives, inviting himself to every sports event our children have. He wants to know when all of their practices and games are, shows up early at our house to ride with us and spends the whole day — almost every weekend — with us.

Greg is a nice guy but doesn’t know when to give my family space. We try our best to include him in these events, but he doesn’t know when to leave, and he stays way past the time everyone else has left.

While we’re at the games, he talks negatively about everyone and doesn’t stop. I’ve told him I don’t want to hear it anymore. It gets better for a little while, and then it starts up again.

It really ruins being at the games and watching my children play. I’m sure my children can feel my stress, and it’s making game day less fun.

I would like to just go and enjoy their games and not feel this sense of obligation of letting Greg know our schedule, needing to always include him and being his sounding board. It’s really starting to get on my nerves. He has been good to my children, but I am resenting this intrusion in our lives. — Trapped

Dear Trapped: It’s time for a timeout. Let Greg know you and the kids consider him a good friend, but you’d like some Saturdays with just the family.

If you’re nervous, imagine if the tables were turned: Would you get angry with a friend for saying he’d like some quality time with his family? I think you’d be mortified that he even had to ask. So don’t let guilt hold you back.

And you might suggest Greg get involved with a sport himself since he has such a passion for athletics. The outlet to exercise and socialize would boost his mood (and take some pressure off you).

“Ask Me Anything: A Year of Advice From Dear Annie” is Annie Lane’s debut book, featuring favorite columns on love, friendship, family and etiquette. Visit www.creatorspu­blishing.com for more informatio­n. Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@creators.com.

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